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Memory in PC By Tien-Hsiang Lo.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory in PC By Tien-Hsiang Lo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory in PC By Tien-Hsiang Lo

2 Introduction PC Architecture Memory Interface Architecture
DRAM INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE Memory Sizing Flow BANK/ROW ACTIVATION CAS Latency MEMORY INTERFACE GATED CLOCK S3~suspend to RAM Verilog code view 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

3 PC Architecture (Laptop)
CPU AGP Bus VGA Memory North Bridge PCI Bus CardBus LAN South Bridge IDE USB Audio Modem PCI-to-PCI ISA Bus (LPC) SMBus PCI Bus EEPROM可接在KBC or South Bridge下 Slot0 Slot1 DIMM SPD EEPROM (24C02) CardBus SIO KBC SMBus SMBus Battery Thermal Sensor Slot0 Slot1 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

4 Memory Interface Architecture
2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

6 Memory Sizing Flow de 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

7 BANK/ROW ACTIVATION 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

8 Truth Table 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

9 CAS Latency 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

11 MSEQ BLOCK DIAGRAM 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

12 S3~Suspend to RAM The S3 sleep state is a low wake-up latency sleeping state where all system context is lost except system memory. CPU, cache, and chipset context are lost in this state. Hardware maintains memory context and restores some CPU and L2 configuration context. control starts from the processor's reset vector after the wake-up event. (from ACPI spec) 1. Placing the memory into a low-power auto-refresh or self-refresh state. 2. Devices that are maintaining memory isolating themselves from other devices in the system. 3. Removing power from the system. At this point, only devices supporting memory are powered (possibly partially powered). The only clock running in the system is the RTC clock. OS notify all of driver to save register and status…, enter power down mode, Enable Wakeup Event, SouthBridge receive S3 command, enter S3Zzzzz Wakeup Event trigger (panel, mouse, power button…), BIOS execute to restore (program the initial boot configuration of CPU, restore the cache controller, restore memory controller, restore other devices, jump to the waking vector), OS resume q^__^p 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

13 Access RAM 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo Time scale 1ns/10ps
module acess_ram( RADDR, RCLK, RDATA, RENJ, WADDR, WCEJ, WCLK, WDATA ); output [2:0] RADDR; output RCLK; input [31:0] RDATA; output RENJ; output [2:0] WADDR; output WCEJ, WCLK; output [31:0] WDATA; reg RSTJ; reg [3:0] counter; reg ck; reg wej; reg rej; reg [31:0] dout; parameter udly = 1; /* --- Place Module Definition Here --- */ initial begin RSTJ = 1'b0; RSTJ = #23 1'b1; ck = 1'b0; forever #10 ck = ~ck; end assign WCEJ = wej; assign RENJ = rej; assign WDATA = dout; assign WADDR = counter[2:0]; assign RADDR = counter[2:0]; assign WCLK = ck; assign RCLK = ck; 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

14 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo always @(posedge ck or negedge RSTJ)
if (!RSTJ) counter <= #udly 4'h0; else if ((!wej) || (!rej)) counter <= #udly counter + 1'h1; wej <= #udly 1'b1; else if (counter==4'h0) wej <= #udly 1'b0; else if (counter==4'h7) rej <= #udly 1'b1; rej <= #udly 1'b0; else if (counter==4'hf) case(counter[2:0]) 3'h0 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h1 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h2 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h3 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h4 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h5 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h6 : dout = 32'h ; 3'h7 : dout = 32'h ; endcase // $display($time,," end now "); // $finish(1); endmodule // acess_ram 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

15 Module Synchronous `timescale 1ns/10ps module sync_2psram( RADDR,
RENJ, RCLK, WADDR, WCEJ, WCLK, WDATA, RDATA ); input [2:0] RADDR; input RENJ; input RCLK; input [2:0] WADDR; input WCEJ; input WCLK; input [31:0] WDATA; output [31:0] RDATA; parameter udly = 1; 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

16 sram for data through freq infx from WCLK domain to RCLK domain
reg [31:0] databuf [0:7]; reg [2:0] rdec; reg [31:0] d0,d1,d2,d3; reg [31:0] d4,d5,d6,d7; reg [31:0] RDATA; /****************************************************************************** sram for data through freq infx from WCLK domain to RCLK domain *******************************************************************************/ always @(posedge WCLK) if (!WCEJ) begin databuf[WADDR] = WDATA; end always @(posedge RCLK ) if (!RENJ) RDATA <= databuf[RADDR]; //rdec = RADDR; /*******************************************************************************/ endmodule 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

17 Combination module top_ram; wire [2:0] RADDR; wire [31:0] RDATA;
wire [31:0] WDATA; wire [2:0] WADDR; wire WCEJ; wire WCLK; wire RCLK; wire RENJ; acess_ram I_7 ( .RADDR(RADDR[2:0]), .RCLK(RCLK), .RDATA(RDATA[31:0]), .RENJ(RENJ), .WADDR(WADDR[2:0]), .WCEJ(WCEJ), .WCLK(WCLK), .WDATA(WDATA[31:0]) ); sync_2psram I_6 ( .RADDR(RADDR[2:0]), .RCLK(RCLK), .RDATA(RDATA[31:0]), endmodule // top_ram 2019/2/27 Tien-Hsiang Lo

18 Thank you ~Stressed backwards is Desserts.~

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