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April 30th Work on Cookbook- Due at 1:30

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1 April 30th Work on Cookbook- Due at 1:30
Discipline without screaming and shouting Discipline notes

2 On a piece of notebook paper write out
How were you disciplined as a child Who disciplined What do you think about being disciplined this way? Did it work? Would you discipline your child that way? How do you think you would discipline? Please be honest, this is not leaving the classroom *this is just for your own reflection

3 Discipline

4 What is your opinion on spanking?
Why is that your oponion?

5 3 Questions To Ask Before Spanking
Is Spanking a Calming Interaction? What Does Your Child Learn by Being Hit? Is It Working for the Long-Term?

6 How should couples plan on disciplining their child?

7 Disagreeing On Discipline
Recognize What Your Argument is. It is do To Your Children not the other person. Negotiate Present

8 5 Steps Commit Yourself Be Realistic Define Predictable Consequences
Child-Level Logic

9 On the note card….. Write on the blank side write a scenario over an act a child would do that would require discipline Ex. Child smeared lipstick all over ones face….. What would you do?

10 Newborn-2 Years Old Plan Be Patient Minimize Conflicts Distraction
Remove Explanations Don’t & Stop Avoid NO Channel Plan Be Patient

11 What Doesn’t Work Hitting/Spanking Taking Away Yelling

12 3-5 Years Old State Your Limits Rewards Choices Natural Consequences
Discuss Limits Involvement

13 Timeouts Talk Acknowledge Externalizing feelings Relate
Externalizing-give outward expression to something: to express ideas or feelings in some visible or perceptible way in order to communicate them to somebody else

14 What Doesn’t Work Threats & Bribes Barking Berating
Berating-to scold at length

15 6-10 Years Old Privileges Talk Positive Realistic Teach Define Rules
Use Consequences Discuss Emotions Rewards Listen Understand Privileges Talk Positive Realistic Teach

16 What Doesn’t Work Shaming Cutting off Conversation Severe Punishments

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