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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING A REFERRAL BASED BUSINESS"— Presentation transcript:

Thanks them, 2 questions – time is your most valuable asseet. Ice breaker – stand and find 2 people – preferabley people you dont know. Intorduce yourself – your business (or what you do) and what your intention is for this workshop – 8 mins Introduce the talk – 3 mins

2 CREATING RAVING FANS Customer Service… Activity Time.
Ask each table to come up with a definition of customer service and hear them all. Ask each table to come up with a definition of a Raving Fan and hear them all.

3 The business must serve them by
4 Different Customers… THE OWNERS STOP before you show any answers. Ask each person to make notes about what they believe the 4 types of customers are … ? Then get them to discuss with the people on their table. Hear several answers. Usually you’ll get descriptions of End user customers. EXPLAIN you want to think broader term, because the business has to please ALL of it’s customers. Because so called customer service still at the end of the day has to produce profits as well as delighted customers. Then go on to #1 Customers as the owners … The business must serve them by providing profits ...

4 The business must serve them, by providing recognition and a paycheck…
4 Different Customers… THE TEAM #2 Customers is the team. The business must serve them, by providing recognition and a paycheck…

5 The business must serve them,
4 Different Customers… THE SUPPLIERS #3 Customers are the suppliers, including the banks that may supply loans etc. The business must serve them, by paying bills…

6 The business must serve them, by
4 Different Customers… THE CUSTOMERS And, tp make sure all of the top 3 are happy, we have to combine together to make sure #4 is delighted. The business must serve them, by filling their needs…

7 NEEDS and WANTS Customers have…
Ask, what is the difference between a NEED and a WANT … Use the example of the drill bit … actually want a hole, but need the drill bit to get the hole.

8 WANT NEED Discover what they ... and, sell them what they ...
You must… Discover what they ... WANT and, sell them what they ... Thus you have to … Activity … table activity … list at least 7 wants that people come to you with in this business along with the NEED, or what you have to sell them … Activity … Table discussion … How do you truly discover what people need … ? NEED

9 Because you’re building a… Relationships need Communication ...
Activity … Table list … list 11 key ingredients to building a long term relationship … hear at least two from each table … Ask for most important … bring up COMMUNICATION … Table activity … list ALL types of communication with clients … at least 8 … hear as many as you can … Relationships need Communication ...

10 The Emotional Bank Account…
DEPOSITS WITHDRAWLS Following on from communication … ask what’s the difference between a deposit and a withdrawl ? List at least 6 of each and discuss …

11 Your Ideal Customer… A B C D wesome asic an’t deal with ead 80:20

12 80 : 20 RULE Who are your Top 20% ... ? Information is power…
Along with A Grade … often 80:20 rule applies … also reverse is true … 80% of problems from 20% of clients … Activity … on clean sheet of paper … list by name who you think your top 20% are and your bottom 20% are … Question after activity … which list was easier … generally bottom sticks out in people’s minds … Collect all list and give to owners to check the facts and stats. Who are your Top 20% ... ?

13 Do Customers leave feeling?…
DELIGHT SATISFACTION OR Here’s where the team gets to realise that satisfaction just isn’t good enough. Ask the group and take a few answers of What is SATISFACTION … ? Then ask and take a few answers of What is DELIGHT … ?

14 But, they talk about getting more than they ...
Customers expect… SATISFACTION But, they talk about getting more than they ... Activity … Each person has to think of a buying experience they told their friends and family about … why did they tell people about it … ? EXPECTED

15 Good Customer Service is…
PROACTIVE Define RE-ACTIVE … Define PRO-ACTIVE … Customer Service is not a COMPLAINTS department … but still need to handle complaints well … How do you handle complaints … Table topic … discuss for 2 minutes how best to handle complaints … Someone to write down all answers as you get the group to call them out and the owner to collect. Don’t wait until there’s a problem to start taking care of your customers …

16 Something, more than they
How can you give… CUSTOMERS Something, more than they Table Activity … A list of at least 11 things you can do as a company to give customers more than they expected … ? EXPECT

17 Keep on getting better… Time to think outside the square ...
INNOVATE Being Pro-Active means innovation … Time to think outside the square ...

18 Times when it really counts to impress with
What are your… MOMENTS OF TRUTH Get the tables now to list a few examples. Times when it really counts to impress with your service ...

19 Your Customer Interaction…
List as many of your ... MOMENTS OF TRUTH Ask them once they have completed their lists to read them out to the group. Then ask them what BFOs they’ve had. as you can ...

20 68% of people leave because of…
PERCIEVED INDIFFERENCE You just DON’T CARE... Dwell here for a while, because this should shock them. Ask them if they are guilty of this in their businesses.

21 68% - Perceived Indifference
People leave because… 1% - Death 3% - Move House 5% - Buy from a friend 9% - Sold by a Competitor 14% - Product/Price 68% - Perceived Indifference There is not much you can do about the first five on the list, but you certainly can do something about the one that accounts for the greatest percentage on this list. Why even worry about trying to do anything about the small numbers when the easiest one to influence also happens to be the largest one.

22 Winning Customer Service…
Consistency Easy to buy The WOW Factor What have you done in your business lately to provide your customers with the WOW Factor? Give three examples of something that WOWED you when shopping or doing business lately.

23 What gives your customers a feeling of…
CONSISTENCY How can you use this in your business ... ? Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

24 How can you make your customers feel that it’s…
EASY TO BUY How can you use these in your business ... ? What barriers are you putting up to make it difficult for your customers to buy? What can you do to improve the situation?

25 THE WOW FACTOR What can you do to give your business the ...
How will you ensure this happens for every “A” Grade customer?… THE WOW FACTOR Make your customers feel so good that they won’t be able to help talking about you to their family and friends. This is the start of a great referral based business. What can you do to give your business the ...

26 SUSPECT The Ladder of Loyalty
This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? SUSPECT

27 Someone is a SUSPECT if they fit your target market..
Ask the tables to list the characteristics of their individual target markets.

28 PROSPECT SUSPECT The Ladder of Loyalty
This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? PROSPECT SUSPECT

29 Someone is a PROSPECT if they
TAKE ACTION and, you collect their ... They make themselves known to you and you take down their details. This is important because it allows you to make contact with them in future. If you can’t contact them, then they remain suspects. DETAILS

This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? SHOPPER PROSPECT SUSPECT

31 Someone is a SHOPPER if they
BUY SOMETHING and, you confirm their ... They become a shopper once they have parted with some cash and done business with you. DETAILS

This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? SHOPPER PROSPECT SUSPECT

33 Someone is a CUSTOMER if they…
BUY A SECOND TIME Why is this? Remember, on average the first time someone does business with you it will probably be at a loss. It wouldn’t have made you any money yet. You need to get them to do business with you at least once more to be considered a customer.

This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? SHOPPER PROSPECT SUSPECT

35 Someone is a MEMBER if they have a…
MEMBERS KIT and, they feel like they ... What can you do in your business to make someone a member? BELONG

36 Consistent communication is key…
Weekly or fortnightly blog/newsletter Regular value adds Member sites? Forums Other? What can you do in your business to make someone a member?

The Ladder of Loyalty ADVOCATE MEMBER CUSTOMER This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? SHOPPER PROSPECT SUSPECT

38 Someone is an ADVOCATE if they…
TELL OTHERS ABOUT YOU This is the best form of publicity because people trust their friends and family.

The Ladder of Loyalty ADVOCATE MEMBER CUSTOMER This is where you are ultimately aiming to get your very best customers. What is a raving fan and how does it differ from an advocate? SHOPPER PROSPECT SUSPECT

40 Someone is a RAVING FAN if they…
DO YOUR SELLING FOR YOU ! What more could you ask for? And what more could you do for your raving fans? Offer them a stake in your business? A share of the profits?

41 STAY, SAY + PAY WALK, SQUAWK + BALK They want customers to ...
The FEDEX lesson… They want customers to ... STAY, SAY + PAY rather than ... WALK, SQUAWK + BALK

42 Service ! People pay for ... Remember…
Most people expect to be satisfied when dealing with any business. Why would they not? So don’t just aim to satisfy them, give them something they will talk about. Go the extra mile and give them real service.


Asking for referrals IF YOU DON’T ASK YOU DON’T GET Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

Asking for referrals NO TODAY DOES NOT MEAN NO TOMORROW Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

Asking for referrals MAKE IT EASY FOR YOUR CLIENTS TO REFER Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

47 Asking for referrals Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

48 Ways to ask for referrals
The business card At the point of sale After an emotional moment At their premises (Mark Capelin) Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

49 Focus on WALLET SHARE Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

50 6 times easy to get an existing client to buy again
Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

51 Cash is king Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

52 The one minute millionaire
Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

53 Ideas to make more money
Increase your prices Impulse buys Sell premium service Up sell Down sell Create bulk deals Stop discounting 8. Sell information products 9. Sell other peoples products 10. Sell complimentary products Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.

54 The fastest way to get RICH
CHUNK SELL Service doesn’t need to be excellent to make your customers feel special. It just needs to be consistent. Customers like to know what to expect each time they interact with you.


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