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Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Controlled, Small-Scale Motions in a Turbulent Shear Layer Bojan Vukasinovic, Ari Glezer Woodruff School of.

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Presentation on theme: "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Controlled, Small-Scale Motions in a Turbulent Shear Layer Bojan Vukasinovic, Ari Glezer Woodruff School of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Controlled, Small-Scale Motions in a Turbulent Shear Layer Bojan Vukasinovic, Ari Glezer Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Zvi Rusak Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

2 Controlled Vorticity Manipulation
single-stream shear layer U0 shear layer backward-facing step Interaction with baseline flow through the free stream

3 Controlled Vorticity Manipulation
single-stream shear layer initial interaction region U0 shear layer vorticity source backward-facing step Interaction with baseline flow through the free stream Vorticity source (e.g., synthetic jet actuator) High-frequency vorticity ejection Actuation frequency can be varied

4 Controlled Vorticity Manipulation
single-stream shear layer initial interaction region U0 shear layer vorticity source backward-facing step Interaction with baseline flow through the free stream Vorticity source (e.g., synthetic jet actuator) High-frequency vorticity ejection Actuation frequency can be varied Vortex circulation is adjustable Wall shear stress and turbulent production are altered

5 Vorticity Source f = 500 Hz (Uj = 20 m/s) f = 1000 Hz (Uj = 30 m/s) f = 2000 Hz (Uj = 30 m/s) 0.2H f = 0 180 0 180 0 180 Control actuators generate synthetic jets into the cross flow Nominal jets issued at f = 2000 Hz (St ~ 7) Jets can be synthetisized from 2000 to 200 Hz with decreasing Uj

6 High-Frequency (Dissipative) Control
uncontrolled U0 ln controlled U0 high-frequency actuation Lre-em >> ln Stabilized Shear Layer (Stanek’s Model) Emergence of Inviscid Instability INCREASED DECREASED production, dissipation HF Domain I II III Region I: HF Actuation increased dissipation and turbulent production leads to modification of the time-averaged baseline. Region II: Stabilized Shear Layer suppression of fundamental coherent vortices formation, reduced turbulent production and dissipation. Region III: Re-emergence of Inviscid Instability at a lower frequency.

7 Experimental Facility
Closed-loop, low-speed wind tunnel; free stream turbulence intensity ~ 0.5% test section 10”  16”  52” synthetic jets Flow-diagnostics H x U0 y Particle image velocimetry (PIV) Hot-wire anemometry (HWA) trip wire

8 Theoretical Tools I Mathematical Model
2-D, unsteady, incompressible viscous flow Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity and stream function formulation

9 Theoretical Tools II | ψ ω x/H | ψ x/H δ
Linear temporal and spatial stability studies; natural frequency ωn along base shear layer Second-order stability analysis; the flow linear frequency response; ; perturbation’s amplitude shape function periodic in time and space 0< ω < 2ωn,max ω > 2ωn,max | ψ ω x/H | ψ x/H δ

10 Theoretical Tools III Nonlinear parabolic stability equations (NPSE); nonlinear interaction between M+1 modes 2M+1 parabolic equations Integrated numerically Linear Non Linear

11 The Unforced (Baseline) Flow
measurement domain shear layer evolution y x PIV 0.5H HWA 2.5H -0.5H -0.5H H = 50.8 mm q0 ~ 0.35 mm Reqo ~ 470 ReH ~ 43,000 0.5 y/H -0.5 1 2 x/H

12 Computed Baseline Flow
Experimental baseline flow conditions matched within measurement domain y/H x/H b 1 x/H 2 -0.5 y/H 0.5 a y/H x/H c Full computational domain: Extended spatial domain Reduced temporal domain

13 The Unforced (Baseline) Flow
EXPERIMENTAL: disturbance amplification ANALYTICAL: most amplified frequency -0.2 y/H 0.5 1.0 x/H 300 Hz 200 Hz 100 Hz 50 Hz ● local stability theory The local natural frequency decreases along the expanding shear layer Agreement with experimental results of most amplified frequencies

14 Continuous High-frequency Actuation
momentum coefficient Cm= rUj2bj/(rU02H) phase average ensemble average 0.25 Cm = 4  10-3 0.5 y/H -0.25 -0.5 0.25 26  10-3 0.5 y/H -0.25 -0.5 0.25 51  10-3 0.5 -0.5 y/H -0.25 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 2 x/H x/H

15 Continuous High-Frequency Actuation
f = 2000 Hz Cm = 26  10-3 ensemble average phase averaged 1 2 x/H 0.5 -0.5 y/H 0.25 0.5 0.75 -0.25 f = 100 f = 140 f = 180 f = 220 f = 260 f = 300 f = 340 f = 20 f = 60 x/bj 15 12 y/bj Temporal and spatial alteration of the BL vorticity CCW vortex displaced and accelerated around CW vortex f = 2000 Hz Cm= rUj2bj/(rU02H) = 4, 26, 51, 69  10-3

16 Characterization of the Forced Shear Layer: Mean Flow
Cm103 x/H = 0.1 –○– 0 –■– 4 –▲– 26 –♦– 51 momentum thickness x/q0 q/q0 0.5 1.0 weak forcing (Cm = 4  10-3) does not alter the baseline flow b and q increase with Cm 2.0

17 Characterization of the Forced Shear Layer: Natural Frequency
EXPERIMENTAL: disturbance amplification ANALYTICAL: most amplified frequency 300 Hz Cm = 4  10-3 x/H fn [Hz] Cm103 26  10-3 –♦– 0 –▲– 26 51  10-3 Local natural frequency lowered by the actuation Relates to the shear layer thickening

18 NPSE Computed Flows MODE 6 ACTUATION NO ACTUATION StH = 0.97 m = 2
NPSE calculation (6 modes are used): vorticity perturbations field is presented In the “natural” case (a), the low-frequency mode dominates In the “actuated” case (b) of increased amplitude of mode 6, high frequency mode dominates

19 Reynolds Stresses 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 Cm103 y/H -0.5 x/H x/H x/H x/H x/H

20 Turbulent Kinetic Energy
Cm103 0.5 Cm = 0 –○– 0 –■– 4 –▲– 26 –♦– 51 y/H -0.5 0.5 4  10-3 y/H -0.5 0.5 26  10-3 y/H -0.5 0.5 51  10-3 y/H -0.5 1 2 x/H x/H

21 Energy Transfer: StH = 7.36 cross-over frequency fc fc x/H
0.2 -0.2 y/H Cm = 4  10-3 x/H 0.2 -0.2 y/H 26  10-3 Cm = 4  10-3 0.2 -0.2 y/H 51  10-3 0.2 -0.2 y/H 69  10-3 Cm = 51  10-3 0.5 1.0 x/H

22 Turbulent Dissipation Rate: StH = 7.36
25 mm Cm = 51  10-3 Cm = 0 0.5 x/H -0.25 0.25 y/H Actuation leads to an order of magnitude increase in turbulent dissipation rate in the near field

23 Turbulent Dissipation Profiles
StH = 7.36 0.3 -0.3 y/H x/H = 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.3 y/H 0.3 0.4 0.5 104 5103 e* = eH2/(3nU02) 104 5103 e* = eH2/(3nU02) 104 5103 e* = eH2/(3nU02) Baseline flow: dissipation peak in the near-wall region. Controlled flow: much broader peak with an order of magnitude higher amplitude As the flow evolves, dissipation enhancement is reduced and becomes comparable to the unforced flow The controlled flow exhibits enhanced dissipation at shear layer edges

24 Experimental TKE Profiles
–○– 0 –▲– 26 Cm103 x/H=0.1 x/H=0.25 x/H=0.5 EXPERIMENTS fd = 2000 Hz

25 Experimental and NPSE TKE Profiles
–○– 0 –▲– 26 Cm103 x/H=0.1 x/H=0.25 x/H=0.5 EXPERIMENTS fd = 2000 Hz I II II x/H=0.25 x/H=0.50 x/H=0.75 fd = 300 Hz NPSE I I II I – small-scale structures dominate II – peak energy lowered and energy is broadened (thicker shear layer)

26 Regions of HF Influence
EXPERIMENTAL momentum thickness EXPERIMENTAL cross-section integrated TKE –○– 0 –▲– 26 Cm103 III I II ANALYTICAL natural frequency Region I - actuation increases TKE Region II – actuation spreads TKE and reduces its peak in the thickened shear layer Region III - low frequency mode re-emerges

27 Cross-sectional Integrated TKE
EXPERIMENTAL fd = 2000 Hz –○– 0 –▲– 26 Cm103 III I II I II III NPSE fd = 300 Hz

28 LI/q0 < x/θ0 < LII/q0
High-Frequency Control uncontrolled U0 ln controlled U0 high-frequency actuation Lre-em >> ln Stabilized Shear Layer Emergence of Inviscid Instability INCREASED DECREASED production, dissipation HF Domain I II III Li = func(Cm, fd) LI LII LIII 0 < x/θ0 < LI/q0 LI/q0 < x/θ0 < LII/q0 x/θ0 > LII/q0 Under HF actuation, three regions of shear layer are found

29 Conclusions Direct small-scale manipulation of the BFS shear layer is investigated experimentally and numerically. Continuous high-frequency actuation is effected by interaction of a small-scale vortex train with the shear layer. Stability analysis suggests that high-frequency actuation is characterized by fd > 2fn,max. High-frequency actuation modifies the base shear layer: Region I: much thicker shear layer and significantly lower natural frequencies increase in both TKE production and dissipation “stabilized” flow to fundamental instability Region II: thicker shear layer and lower natural frequencies suppressed peak of TKE and spread of energy in the thicker shear layer Region III: Energy of high-frequency actuation is dissipated No significant alteration of shear layer thickness and natural frequencies Re-emergence of inviscid instability, but at lower frequency and spatially delayed

30 Discussion: High-Frequency Excitation
The possible mechanism: - high-frequency excitation of mode M modifies the mean flow through the zero mode changes - the modified mean flow interacts with the low frequency modes (ω1, ω2,…, 2ωn,max) to redistribute their energy and lower it M & conj(M)  0  0 & & conj(1)  modified 1;  0 & & conj(2)  modified 2; … - As the strength of mode M decreases along the shear layer its effect decreases and low-frequency modes reappear but at lower natural frequencies

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