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Discuss Solutions presented in the article with your table Mates

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1 Discuss Solutions presented in the article with your table Mates
Pick up One Child Policy Artcle and write pros and cons on pg 24

2 Focus Learning Target Students will be able to design a solution to the world population problem using reasoning and evidence gathered from a variety of sources.

3 Recap Add notes to support your argument in your Evidence Log Article: Should There Be a Global Effort to Limit Population Growth?

4 Problem How many humans currently live on our plant? “There could be 11 billion people by Many scientists predict that Earth does not have the resources necessary to adequately provide for a population this large.” 1 billion people malnourished NOW Industrialized/ “developed” nations consuming most of earth’s resources (food, energy) Great damage to environment in the attempt to feed, house, and care for 11 billion people

5 Solution 1 Technology to feed a larger population
What is one way technology could feed more people? Technology to feed a larger population Fertilizers and pesticides increase crop yields NOW Better breeds of plants and animals (ex: GMO crops) Better machines to farm Possible complications: Unequal access to technology; limited land, fresh water, and energy resources

6 What is one way to limit population growth?
Solution 2 “Some scientists urge nations to agree to limit their population growth to prevent a worldwide environmental disaster.” Improved education so people are aware of family planning options Government regulated social security system to eliminate the need to have a lot of kids Incentives to limit families Possible complications: religious beliefs, cultural beliefs (ex: individual freedom and rights)

7 What are some ways we can “consume less?”
Solution 3 “If Earth is to sustain more people, those in industrialized countries will have to learn to consume less” We consume a much greater share of natural resources than those living in “developing” countries!

8 Get Quiz Population Part Graph Part Population A Population B

9 Human Population growth: Why is it a Big deal? Pg 19
With your table partner, explain why scientists might be considering limiting human population growth using the key vocabulary (carrying capacity, limiting factors-biotic and abiotic). WRITE your answer on pg 19

10 Watch video

11 Ethical Issues: World Population
You will be reaching an age you may consider starting a family. With your knowledge of human population growth, would you: A. consider voluntarily limiting your family size due to overpopulation B. consider limiting your family size for an incentive (ex: tax break) or to avoid a fine C. have as many children as you would like regardless of government suggestion D. fight for the government not to be involved in your personal decision E. find another solution

12 Summary Box: 5-6 Sentences
Suggested words to include: population growth, carrying capacity, limiting factors, natural resources, ecosystem, environment I chose option ____, which is to ______(restate)__________. I think this is the best option because _______________. One piece of evidence to support my opinion is from (source), which stated ___________________. This supports my opinion because _____________. Another piece of evidence is from (source), which stated ________________. This supports my opinion because __________________.

13 Quiz Today. On pg 19 1) What are the rules of graphing
Quiz Today! On pg 19 1) What are the rules of graphing? 2) When do you make a line graph? 3) A bee and Flower have a ___________relationship 4) Exponential graphs have a _shape 5) What is reproductive potential? 6) Guess how many Humans are on Planet

14 Graph Human Population on pg 20
Add 2016….7.4 Give 2 sentences to interpret population

15 Overpopulated

16 Evidence Log Instructions
After receiving information, take some time to “digest” it Use this sheet to gather evidence to help you form an educated opinion to share with the class during next week’s Hot Topic Class Discussion Graded Discussion: everyone must speak; rules to ensure conversation is not dominated

17 Article Analysis Big picture: more people=more demand on limited resources Read article Answer Q’s 1-4 on page 69 of notebook Update Evidence Log (stamp 1)

18 Textbook section 5.2 and 5.3 Page 71 of notebook
Read Section 5.2 in textbook and answer Section Assessment Q’s 1, 2, and 5 Read Section 5.3 in textbook and answer Section Assessment Q’s 1-5 Update Evidence Log (stamp 2)

19 On Your Own: Problem & Solution
Materials needed: half sheet of paper, pen/pencil, Evidence Log On Your Own: Problem & Solution 1. In your own words, explain why scientists are concerned about human population growth (2-3 sentences). 2. Reread the dilemma on the back of you evidence log. Which option would you choose and why?

20 Together: A-B Partners
Partner A=closest to sinks Partner B=closest to door Partner A=share response to #1 (30 seconds) Partner B: summarize Partner A’s explanation Sharing out: Partner B My partner is _________. They said that scientists are concerned because _______________.

21 A-B Partners Partner A=closest to sinks Partner B=closest to door
Partner B=share response to #2 (30 seconds) Partner A: summarize Partner B’s explanation Sharing out: Partner A My partner is _________. They chose option ______ because _______________.

22 Highlight: Ted Talks “Ideas worth sharing”
Time limit (about 18 minutes) Variety of topics and backgrounds “What’s Wrong With What We Eat” index=3&list=PLT1Dz6oOmEPfPXy3IWgFSqCHto Q8Ze5jv

23 Gathering evidence: Box 3
About the speaker: Concerned about livestock (cow) because: Concerned about Western diet because: His solution: less ________, less ________, more _______; eat ______ ________ Agribusiness: farming industry Locavore: someone who only eats locally grown food

24 Recap: Video Speaker: Writer (food and cooking); not a vegetarian
Livestock: increases greenhouse gases (global warming), decreases biodiversity, leads to land degradation, 10 billion animals killed every year for food (U.S.A. alone!) Diet: “odd form of malnutrition”; causes disease “Between 1950 to 2000, human population doubled, but meat consumption increased five fold”

25 Recap: Video Solution: ½ lb meat/week; _____ consumption of meat by 50%, while _____ consumption of plants Less meat, less junk, more plants Eat real food

26 Summary Box Re-read the possible solutions for our “Dilemma”
Select the best option In 5-6 sentences, explain why you selected that option. Use your reasoning skills and evidence gathered from class (minimum: 2 sources) to support your educated opinion.

27 Community Circle=verbal exit slip
Guidelines: Every member in a circle (no hiding) One speaker at a time Only allowed to “pass” once No comments; agree with something? Spirit fingers or air high five Share your solution, explanation, and strongest piece of evidence.

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