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Presentation on theme: "Abbreviations#1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abbreviations#1

2 ac before meals

3 ad lib as desired

4 AM morning

5 American Medical Association
AMA American Medical Association

6 amp ampule “amp(y)o͞ol” – a small, hermetically sealed flask or container often made of glass, containing medication. To be used for subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection.

7 amt amount

8 ant anterior (in front of)

9 as tol as tolerated

10 ASA aspirin

11 ASAP as soon as possible

12 bid twice daily

13 BM bowel movement

14 BP blood pressure

15 BUN blood urea nitrogen

16 bx biopsy

17 c with

18 Abbreviations #2

19 C Celsius/centigrade

20 Ca calcium

21 coronary artery disease
CAD coronary artery disease

22 caps capsules

23 computerized axial tomography
CAT computerized axial tomography

24 Cath catheterized

25 CBC complete blood count

26 CC chief complaint

27 CCU Cardiac Care Unit

28 CD communicable disease

29 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

30 congestive heart failure
CHF congestive heart failure

31 Chol cholesterol

32 ck check

33 cm centimeter

34 Abbreviations #3

35 central nervous system
CNS central nervous system

36 c/o complains of

37 cont’d continued

38 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

39 complete physical examination
CPX/CPE complete physical examination

40 culture and sensitivity
C & S culture and sensitivity

41 CXR chest x-ray

42 comp compound

43 D dextrose

44 d day

45 Dilatation and curettage

46 disch discharge

47 Do Not Resuscitate/No Code
DNR Do Not Resuscitate/No Code

48 DOA dead on arrival

49 DOB date of birth

50 Abbreviations #4

51 drsg dressing

52 DSD dry sterile dressing

53 Dr. doctor

54 DR delivery room

55 D/S dextrose in saline

56 D5W or D5W 5% dextrose in water

57 quantity not sufficient
qns quantity not sufficient

58 rectal/respiration/right

59 red blood cells / red blood count
RBC red blood cells / red blood count

60 RO rule out

61 ROM range of motion

62 RR recovery room

63 RTW return to work

64 medication or treatment ordered /prescription
RX medication or treatment ordered /prescription

65 s without

66 Abbreviations # 5

67 Subcut subcutaneous

68 electroencephalogram
EEG electroencephalogram

69 EENT eye, ear, nose and throat

70 EKG or ECG electrocardiogram

71 exam examination

72 F Fahrenheit

73 FBS fasting blood sugar

74 fx fracture

75 GB gallbladder

76 gm or g gram

77 gr grain

78 grav pregnant

79 gtt drop

80 H hypodermic

81 h hour

82 Abbreviations #6

83 HGB or Hgb hemoglobin

84 HR heart rate

85 ht height

86 Hx history

87 ICU Intensive Care Unit

88 I & D Incision and drainage

89 IM intramuscular

90 inc incomplete

91 inf infection/inferior

92 inj injection

93 IV intravenous

94 LAB laboratory

95 lat lateral

96 LMP last menstrual period

97 meter/minimum or liquid measure

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