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Presentation on theme: "50th EUPAN DIRECTORS-GENERAL MEETING"— Presentation transcript:

FUTURE OF EUPAN Conclusions of working groups MANDATE FOR THE FRENCH PRESIDENCY dr. Aleš Dobnikar Brdo, 29 May 2008

2 Directors-General responsible for Public administration in the European Union, at their 50th meeting in Brdo, on 28 and 29 May 2008: Acknowledge the informal nature of the European Public Administration Network (EUPAN); Highly appreciate the initiative of the Slovenian Presidency to launch the discussion on the Future of EUPAN; Note that additional procedural and organisational adjustments of the Network are needed to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency.

3 Against this background, Directors-General agree that improvement should be achieved in the following areas: Horizontal coordination and cooperation within EUPAN; Cooperation with other organisations; Dissemination of results/Visibility of EUPAN; Sustainability and continuity of EUPAN.

4 Horizontal coordination and cooperation within EUPAN:
Grouping EUPAN activities around topics: Thematic learning teams limited in time and mandate, EUPAN forum of all WGs under each Presidency. Assessing/evaluating the working groups (mission, structure, results); No permanent groups (only ad hoc groups, related to MTP topics); Find a right balance between topics (“learning groups”, LG) and working groups (WG) to ensure continuity.

5 Co-operation with other organisations:
Enhanced co-operation with other organisations like OECD, NISPAcee, World Bank, IIAS, etc.: Exchange of information, invitation to EUPAN meeting, meeting with secretariat of other organizations; Common projects, common meetings; To improve and share knowledge and to avoid overlapping.

6 Dissemination of Results/Visibility of EUPAN
“New breath” for EUPAN website: Interactive web-site, accessible to public; Links with national administrations and partners; Continuously improve EUPAN website; Improve CIRCA management. Better use and link with DISPA and QC; Materials/reports accessible at national level; Presidency/Troika initiatives on EU - and national level in order to disseminate results.

7 Sustainability and continuity of EUPAN:
Expand TRIO model to all areas of EUPAN; Explore furthermore the feasibility of establishment of a permanent secretariat.

8 Directors-General invite the forthcoming French Presidency to develop operational solutions and present them at the 51st Directors-General Meeting for approval.


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