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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY."— Presentation transcript:


2 VOCABULARY grave POS: adjective DEF: very serious and worrying
The doctor had a _____ expression on her face when she gave John’s family the bad news.

3 VOCABULARY maligned POS: adjective DEF: spoken ill of
The CD, _________ by critics, was still a tremendous hit.

4 VOCABULARY credulity POS: noun DEF: tendency to believe too readily
Due to his _________, Tim was unaware that the news report was fake.

5 VOCABULARY furtively POS: adjective
DEF: secretively; sneakily; stealthily When no one was looking, she reached _________ for the last slice of pie.

6 VOCABULARY apathy POS: noun DEF: lack of interest or emotion
The bored audience looked at the speaker with ______.

7 VOCABULARY oppressive POS: adjective
DEF: causing great discomfort; distressing The heat was so __________ that they finally opened a window.

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