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Competing With and Selling on Amazon

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2 Competing With and Selling on Amazon
Jeff McRitchie –

3 How many of you consider Amazon a Major Competitor?

4 “Amazon Business hit $1 billion in sales within the first year after its April launch, and is growing 20% month to month, the company says.” B2BEcommerceworld

5 How many of you are either selling on Amazon or are considering taking the plunge?

6 Amazon. com Inc. generated about 60% of total U. S Inc. generated about 60% of total U.S. online sales growth in “Amazon makes up a larger percentage of e-commerce in the U.S. than any other player, and its retail growth has outpaced overall online retail,” Forester Research

7 Available Now on

8 What are the reasons why we should consider listing on Amazon?

9 Why should we stay away?

10 How can we compete?

11 What is your Strategy?


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