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President John Adams.

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1 President John Adams

2 John Adams Abigail XYZ Affair Federalist Sedition Act Alien Act

3 1797-1801 Our nations _______ president
Adams did not trust the __________ and wanted a ________ federal government second Common man strong Based on that information, what Political Party do you believe Adams belonged to? Strong Government

4 Political Party Federalist Democratic-Republican no
Adams was a __________. How were Vice-President’s chosen in the early Republic? His Vice-President, ______________, was a _______________________. Do you believe that they will work well together? _________ Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican no

5 Why Not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Because they have completely different ideas on how to best run the government

6 French Revolution-Napoleonic War
________ declares war on _______. Following GW’s advice, Adams insists that the United States remain ___________. Relations between the U.S. and France turn sour when France begins to ____________ to keep us from _________ with England. After only one year, they had taken more than _____ of our ships! France Britain neutral seize our ships trading 300

7 The Spies who loved our money…
Some Federalists wanted _______!, but Adams hoped to sweet-talk the French, so he sent Charles Pinckney and others to Paris. They asked to meet with the French government, but for weeks, were always told to wait. But then, three French ______________, _________________ offered to get them a meeting if the U.S. _______________ for France plus an extra _________ for their boss. WAR secret agents “X”, “Y,” and “Z” paid $10 million bribe

8 Sacre’ blu! Zut Alors! refused navy and army
X The Americans _________, saying “No, no, not a sixpence!” Translation: you muss’ be crazy, we ain’t paying you nutton. When the U.S. heard about the “__________,” the public was _________…”_____________ _________________________” many warned. As a result, Congress __________________ with France and set aside money to expand the _________________… refused Y XYZ Affair outraged Millions for Z defense, not one cent for tribute cancelled all treaties navy and army

9 Alien and Sedition Acts
Angry Democratic-Republicans, who supported the new French Republic, published ________ things about Adams in ____________. Adams was furious that he would be ______________ in a time of ______ and blamed ____________ newspapers and new _____________, many who belonged to the Demo-Repubs political party. insulting newspapers openly criticized crisis Demo-Repub immigrants

10 Congress created a law negative
To stop the _________ press about the government, the Federalist Congress created a new law called the ___________ _______________. The new law outlawed printing anything _____________ about the ___________. It also gave the President more power to _______________ foreigners during wartime and made U.S. ___________ more difficult to achieve. Alien and Sedition Acts false or “harmful” government arrest or expel citizenship

11 Unconstitutional? The Federalists were stomping on our ____ _____________ with this new law. At least 25 Demo-Repub newspaper editors were _________, one congressman was jailed for saying Adams should be sent “______________.” Jefferson discovered a way to fight the law with a concept called “____________” where states could “________” or ______ federal law _____________ acting as a barrier between a too-powerful ________ government and __________. first amendment rights arrested to a mad house States’ rights nullify ignore within the state federal the people

12 violated the Constitution
Unconstitutional? Both the states of __________ and _________ passed resolutions declaring the Alien and Sedition Act _____________________. The controversy dies when the Demo-Repubs take office and allow the law _________ Kentucky Virginia violated the Constitution “to die."

13 No second term Because Adams’ own party was not happy with him, he lost re-election to _________________ in 1800. More notes on this to follow Thomas Jefferson

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