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Sci Fi / Fantasy Lit February 27-28, 2014

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1 Sci Fi / Fantasy Lit February 27-28, 2014
Welcome and Happy Dr. Seuss Day! Please get your novel from the cart. Also, get out a blank sheet / half-sheet of paper for notes. Today’s agenda: Setting review Novel unit overview Reading Novel assignment

2 Setting Definition: the locale or period in which the action of a novel, play, film, etc., takes place. Remember… Setting does not just include the environment. It also involves… Language (jargon) Technology Clothing Society (laws, norms, behaviors) Flora and fauna


4 What do you notice about this setting?

5 How does this setting contribute to mood?
(Remember… mood is the feeling the story evokes in the reader.)

6 How does this setting contribute to theme?
Let’s say this is the theme of Star Wars: Even when one comes from humble beginnings, they can be destined for greatness.

7 Watch this Clip Watch the following clip from Jurassic Park. On a sheet of paper, write down all of the ways that Steven Spielberg creates the setting.

8 Jargon Quick reminder:
Jargon is the words that an author creates that are part of their world. Examples: Lightsaber, the Force, Bantha fodder: A suggestion that the one to whom the phrase is applied is dead or as good as dead Droid: [popularized by the first Star Wars movie, 1977] A robot. This somewhat misapplied contraction of android is not much used in other SF (LucasFilms has a trademark on it!). It is now widely known outside SF circles but only used mythically of fictional characters.

9 Purpose of Setting Setting is often important for our characters.
Setting can ground a Hero to their roots, or entire them forward to adventure. Setting can show us how a character evolves from beginning to end. This can also lead us to major themes in our novels. Pay attention to detail when it comes to setting. Minor setting details can become important to plot, character, and theme development.

10 Hero’s Journey Reading Journal
As we read, you will be tracking your hero/ine on his/her journey. Here is what you need to pay attention to: Important plot points at your stage in the journey Character archetypes you will encounter (don’t worry about this until next class). Setting elements Each day, you will complete a step of the journey in the reading journal, and I will check it. This is a 15 point daily grade.

11 Reading grade In addition to your reading journal, I will give you a 15 point daily reading grade. Here is how that breaks down: 15 points if you read for the entire given time. 10 points if you read for most of the given time. 5 points if you read for some of the given time. 0 points if you fail to open the book / sleep / use your phone.

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