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Litmus Learning Primer tests

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1 Litmus Learning Primer tests
Steps for launching the test

2 Login to the portal : http://www. litmuslink. com/primer/public/login
Login to the portal : Add this URL to your Trusted Sites list.

3 Before installing the support file, ensure you are logged in as Administrator on a Windows7/Vista machine. In order to login as Administrator, click on Start menu then Log Off.

4 In the Log On window, enter Administrator username and password, then click OK.

5 If you do not have a Build-In Administrator Account, you’ll need to open a command prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and choosing “Run as administrator” Now type the following command : net user administrator /active:yes You should see a message that the command completed successfully. Log out, and you’ll now see the Administrator account as a choice. Login to the machine as Administrator.

6 Login to the portal, then click on support file link.

7 Click Run to install the support files.

8 Choose the test you wish to run from the List of available tests
Choose the test you wish to run from the List of available tests. Click Start to launch the test.

9 Once the questions are all answered, press the Finish Test button to get the result.

10 Note : If the test has not launched, kindly click on Check recommended computer settings link and check the Hardware/Software Recommended Specifications.

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