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Dynamic Supervised Community-Topic Model

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1 Dynamic Supervised Community-Topic Model
Daifeng Li

2 Existing Study 1. H Zhang, B Qiu and etc (2007). LDA based Community Structure

3 Existing Study 2. Y Liu, A Niculescu-Mizil and etc(2009). Joint Model of Topic&Author Community (mainly used to make link prediction)

4 Existing Study 3. D Zhou & E Manavoglu(2006). Prob Model for discoverying e-communities. WWW2006

5 The Proposed Model Integrate Supervised mechanism into ACT model:

6 The Proposed Model The Purpose of New Model:
1. Detect Community from Topic-Level; 2. Make Dynamic analysis on Community and Topic evaluation; 3. Add Topic Label for citation relationship; 4. Improve the quality of detected Community(Topic similarity and conductance) 5. Rank the authors/users in a community in a more efficient way(not only judge by their activities)

7 The Proposed Model The Description of New Model:
1. Supervised Community-Topic Model (Gibbs EM) Sampling()//Sampling parts belong to E step {for each document d: for each author x: select word w, community cm, topic z, conference c according to prior parameters (multinomial distribution); end select supervised author y (whose paper the author x cite as reference) for each assignment according to prior parameters(Gaussian Distribution with mean value as and variance as ); }

8 The Proposed Model The Description of New Model:
1. Supervised Community-Topic Model (Gibbs EM) How to sample supervised author: a. Calculate Scores for each supervised author: Assume the author has written m papers, each paper has been cited for n times, the author’s position in each paper in r, then the score can be computed as: Score(author x)= b. Sampling: For each supervised author, it should be Score*P; where P means the Prob that author appears in current Community and Topic.

9 The Proposed Model The Description of New Model:
1. Supervised Community-Topic Model (Gibbs EM) Updating_Parameters() //Optimal Parameters and by M steps { Update } Where X is a D*CM matrix, each element is:

10 The Proposed Model The Description of New Model:
1. Supervised Community-Topic Model (Gibbs EM)

11 The Proposed Model The Description of New Model:
for each iterations (1,000): //E Steps: for each document d: for each author x: Sample comm, topic, word, conference; end Sample supervised author for current author; End //M Steps: Update Parameters and

12 The proposed Model The Description of New Model:

13 Evaluation 1. Average H-Index and Average activities:
For each Community(Compared the paper in WWW 2006); Compare Conductance between proposed algorithm and paper in WWW 2006; 3. Make prediction for computer committee; 4. Granger/ARMA analysis for Dynamic Community, Topic evolution.

14 Thanks!

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