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5 reasons why you should consider Purge-it!

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Presentation on theme: "5 reasons why you should consider Purge-it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 reasons why you should consider Purge-it!

2 1. Native to JDE

3 Why is Purge-it! different from other archiving tools:
Developed within the JD Edwards toolset 100% integrated ‘native’ into your JD Edwards environment Easy to use interface (BV, PO, DS) Simple set up and run (BV & Dashboard) Minimal training JD Edwards APIs used to update the database Low implementation and Consultancy costs Less likely to become shelfware

4 2. Powerful dashboards

5 Dashboards Environment Archiving Session
Available from within JD Edwards

6 Analyse the functional breakdown
System Environments Modules Tables Monitor growth over time

7 Per Archiving Session Manage the purge and archive process
Monitor the effectiveness of the process

8 3. Purge-it! Audit Data

9 Audit data Validates the data for archiving eligibility
Transaction by transaction Successful Unsuccessful Why unsuccessful Unique to Purge-it! View through Purge-it! Audit applications

10 4. The way that Purge-it! works

11 Process Purge-it! runs within JD Edwards Standard JD Edwards batch job
Incorporates C Business functions - speed & efficiency Configure Processing Options Data Selection Submit

12 Under the hood Processes data at a functional level
Not at a table level Whole order at a time - multiple records from multiple tables Process can be cancelled at any time Data boundaries are respected Commitment control around functional boundaries Ensures documents are not part archived Protects data integrity

13 One job to rule them all Single step process
Select Validate Archive Purge Summarise Audit Multiple steps not required

14 Other Purge-it! features
Date offsets No downtime required Can be put on the standard JDE scheduler Reversable (at a functional level)

15 5. Multiple archive formats

16 Same or Separate Environment
Flexible choice on how to access their archive data Same Purge-it! archive tables Purge-it! archive applications Within your Production environment Unique to Purge-it! Separate Standard JD Edwards archive tables F0911 -> F0911 Archive Environment Suitable for high degrees of customizations

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