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August 2005 doc.: IEEE /1166r0 Sept 08

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1 August 2005 doc.: IEEE /1166r0 Sept 08 Discussion paper relating to options for resolving issues related to WAPI & in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Jesse Walker (Intel) Submission

2 Sept 08 The remainder of this presentation is a draft that could be submitted to ISO/IEC on behalf of the WG In July 2008, Jesse Walker attended an ad hoc meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 in Xi’an on behalf of the IEEE WG The meeting discussed options for international standardisation of WAPI The Chinese believed there were three feasible options Jesse Walker believed two of them warranted further investigation and committed to bring them back to the IEEE WG for consideration The rest of this presentation summarises the situation and a possible response to the various options It is in a form that can be used for discussion within the IEEE WG and, with modification, in the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Jesse Walker (Intel)

3 Sept 08 Submission to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 on behalf of the IEEE WG in relation to options for WAPI standardisation November 2008 Jesse Walker (Intel)

4 Sept 08 The IEEE WG believe there is a feasible process for considering WAPI standardisation The Chinese delegation at the ad hoc ISO JTC1/SC6 meeting in Xi’an in July 08 identified three acceptable options for processing WAPI The IEEE liaison in Xi’an agreed that two of these options deserved further investigation The IEEE WG now believe the “Technical Report (TR )” option: Is the only potentially feasible option Can be refined to meet the needs of all stakeholders Can be used to strengthen the relationship between ISO and IEEE Jesse Walker (Intel)

5 Sept 08 The Chinese delegation in Xi’an in July 08 identified three acceptable options for processing WAPI Four options were proposed at the meeting in Xi’an in July 08 by the Chinese delegation “Integration” “Annex” “International Standard (IS)” “Technical Report (TR)” The Chinese delegation in July 08 determined that only the “Integration” option was unacceptable There was a concern that “Integration” would take too long and be too controversial within JTC1/SC6/WG1 The Chinese delegation also asserted that WAPI could not be contributed directly to the IEEE WG for standardisation Jesse Walker (Intel)

6 International Standard (IS)
Sept 08 Four options were proposed at the meeting in Xi’an in July 08 by the Chinese delegation # Option Description 1 Integration Integrate the WAPI functionality into ISO/IEC (2006), probably using a methodology similar to an amendment Note: it is implied that the integration process would occur in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 2 Annex Start with WAPI document from that balloted in 2006 Develop a normative annex in the form of an amendment to ISO/IEC (2006) that is eventually consolidated into a new edition 3 International Standard (IS) Same as Annex option, except the document is published as a stand alone ISO/IEC standard with normative references to ISO/IEC (2006) 4 Technical Report (TR) Publish WAPI in some form as an ISO/IEC Technical Report Establish a project to fully integrate WAPI into the series Note: the forum for the integration process was not defined Jesse Walker (Intel)

7 Sept 08 The Annex & IS options use the structure with normative references, amendment & replacements Proposed principles for constructing a: WAPI Annex WAPI IS The proposed Annex or IS will copy the clause structure of ISO/IEC :2006, and will then define WAPI by variously: Normatively referring to ISO/IEC :2006 Amending text copied from ISO/IEC :2006 Completely relacing text from ISO/IEC :2006 Example: Normative reference Annex X Destination address does not equal destination See of ISO/IEC :2006 Example: Amended text Annex X Beacon frame format <Text copied from of ISO/IEC :2006 and amended> Example: Replaced text Annex X.8 Security <Completely new text replacing text from ISO/IEC :2006 Jesse Walker (Intel)

8 Comments from Chinese delegation
Sept 08 The Chinese delegation in July 08 determined that three of the proposed options were acceptable # Option Comments from Chinese delegation Acceptable? 1 Integration Requires a lot of work and so will take a long time “There are possibilities that nonessential technical dispute may drag the work into lengthy and controversial process.” 2 Annex WAPI is described as an easy-to-read technical solution ISO/IEC (2006) only needs slight revision to provide reference to the annex 3 International Standard (IS) Best choice (from Xi’an minutes) 4 Technical Report (TR) Not an ideal solution (from Xi’an minutes) Jesse Walker (Intel)

9 Sept 08 The Chinese delegation also asserted that WAPI could not be standardised in the IEEE WG The IEEE WG has offered on multiple occasions to host an effort to integrate elements of WAPI into the standard, and subsequently into ISO/IEC The WG even set up a Study Group in 2005 to study the possibilities for standardising WAPI Unfortunately, WAPI was never formally proposed to the Study Group and so the Study Group’s charter expired, A Standing Committee on the topic was subsequently established The possibility of standardising WAPI within the IEEE WG was discussed again at the meeting in in Xi’an in July 08. The Chinese delegation believe this was not possible because legal restriction do not allow a Chinese National Standard such as WAPI to be submitted to an SDO unless the SDO is recognised by China as an international SDO China’s list of approved international SDOs includes ISO/IEC and ITU-T, and does not include the IEEE Jesse Walker (Intel)

10 Sept 08 The IEEE liaison in Xi’an agreed that the IS & TR options deserved further investigation Jesse Walker was the IEEE liaison at the meeting in Xi’an in July 2008 Jesse did not have the authority to make any formal agreements at the meeting However, Jesse expressed a view at the meeting that the IS and TR options have some merit and deserve further examination Jesse explicitly agreed to discuss the IS option with the WG Jesse indicated that the WG had not addressed the TR option and would need to discuss it Jesse told the meeting that he would attempt to determine a IEEE WG position Jesse agreed to provide a report to the Convener of the SC6 ad hoc group, to the SC6 Secretariat, and to ITTF (Mr. Barta and Mr. Brannon) by 15 Sept 08 The intention is be ready for further action at the SC6 meeting in Montreaux on 3-7 Nov 08 Jesse Walker (Intel)

11 Sept 08 The IEEE WG believe the TR option is the only potentially feasible option of the four proposed These issues are defined on the following pages Issue Option Integration Annex IS TR 1: Expertise available? ? 2: One standard? ? 3: Within scope? ? 4: Copyright issues? ? ? ? ? Feasible? ? Jesse Walker (Intel)

12 Sept 08 Issue 1: the expertise & “organisational memory” required to modify is not in JTC1/SC6/WG1 is a very complex document that has been written and refined over many years by the IEEE WG, with any changes requiring a deep understanding of why the document is written the way it is This understanding is part of the “organisational memory” of the IEEE WG and cannot be easily be documented or duplicated The description of the “Integration” option suggests that the work would occur in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 However, such an effort would inevitably “break” many aspects of the existing version of without collaboration from the IEEE WG Unfortunately, the recently signed IEEE/ISO PSDO agreement omits the details necessary for such a collaboration to operate successfully Filling in the details would represent a major project and divert focus from the more important technical issues It is unclear whether the “TR” option has this issue because the process after the Technical Report by ISO/IEC JTC1 is approved is currently undefined Jesse Walker (Intel)

13 Sept 08 Issue 2: the Integration, Annex & IS options risk setting the WAPI version up as an “orphan” The Integration, Annex & IS options for integrating WAPI into ISO/IEC (2006) all effectively create two independent standards One based on ISO/IEC (2006) amended by IEEE e/g/j/i/ma/n/p/r/s/u/v/w/y/z/aa/… in the IEEE WG Another based on ISO/IEC (2006) amended by WAPI in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 It will be very difficult to keep these independent efforts synchronised and consistent now and in the future It is guaranteed that the WAPI version of ISO/IEC (2006), which is actually IEEE (2003), will become an orphan that cannot practically be updated to include later amendments The creation of two standards also generally runs counter to the principle defined in the ISO Strategic Plan , which states, “One standard, one test, and one conformity assessment procedure accepted everywhere” It is unclear whether the TR option has this issue because the process after the Technical Report is approved is currently undefined Jesse Walker (Intel)

14 Sept 08 Issue 3: some elements of WAPI are not within the scope of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 has a defined scope It is chartered to specify physical and data link layers However, some elements of WAPI are not even within the scope of ISO/IECJTC1/SC6 eg the WAI certificate & protocol definition The Integration, Annex and IS options all suffer from this issue A process is required to consider the standardisation (and maintenance) of some elements of WAPI in more appropriate forums It might be possible to standardise various elements of WAPI in more than one ISO/IEC JTC1 SC or jointly with other SC’s It might be possible to standardise various elements of WAPI in other international SDO’s The TR option also potentially has this issue but it is unclear because the process after the Technical Report is approved is currently undefined Jesse Walker (Intel)

15 Sept 08 Issue 4: all options require approval from the IEEE to resolve copyright issues It appears that each of the proposed options either: Modifies a document for which the IEEE owns the copyright Uses at least some text from a document for which the IEEE owns the copyright IEEE permission is thus probably required to proceed with any of the four options There is no reason to think that the IEEE will not provide copyright permission, so long as the particular option is in the best interests of WLAN users Jesse Walker (Intel)

16 Sept 08 The IEEE WG believe that the TR option can be refined to meet the needs of all stakeholders The TR option is the only one of the options discussed that may be feasible However, the TR option’s feasibility depends on refining it to enure any doubts about the four highlighted issues are resolved The WG would like to propose a refined TR option that meets the needs of all stakeholders It meets the goals of the IEEE WG and Wi-Fi users It should meet the needs of the Chinese NB It strengthens the relationship between ISO and the IEEE Jesse Walker (Intel)

17 Sept 08 The WG would like to propose a refined TR option that meets the needs of all stakeholders The key to the refined TR option is that WAPI is published as a TR by JTC1 so there is a common understanding among all stakeholders as to what WAPI is It is likely that the TR will simply be a republication of the Chinese National Standard as submitted by the Chinese NB to ISO/IEC The IEEE would need to provide any necessary copyright releases ISO/IEC would then liaise the TR to IEEE WG, asking them to evaluate and standardise the elements of WAPI within the scope of This process avoids the need for the Chinese NB to submit WAPI to the IEEE WG directly, which is apparently contrary to Chinese legal restrictions Instead, ISO/IEC would be leveraging the expertise of IEEE WG in matters related to to undertake the standardisation process This process also has the advantage that it results in one standard rather than two standards, one of which is orphaned This process is also consistent with the previous SC6 policy for developing amendments to the ISO/IEC 8802 series Jesse Walker (Intel)

18 August 2005 doc.: IEEE /1166r0 Sept 08 The WG would like to propose a refined TR option that meets the needs of all stakeholders ISO/IEC would also liaise the TR to other JTC1 SC’s or SDO’s as necessary to standardise elements of WAPI outside the scope of (and ) Eventually, the IEEE WG would send the ratified standard, including appropriate elements of WAPI, back to ISO/IEC for review and standardisation as Note that the WG is an open organisation and anyone can join Intermediate review using IEEE Sponsor Ballots could also be arranged using processes similar to those defined in the defunct agreement Certainly all NB’s (and individuals) would be encouraged to submit comments during the normal IEEE Sponsor Ballot process JTC1 would probably use the normal fast track ballot process to confirm the revised standard It is assumed that if the TR option did not lead to a revised standard including elements of WAPI then it would be allowed to expire (after 3 years) or renewed under JTC1 Directives Note: it is requested that ISO provide suggestions on what project mechanisms are appropriate within ISO JTC1 to make this process work effectively Jesse Walker (Intel) Submission

19 Sept 08 The WG would like to propose a refined TR option that meets the needs of all stakeholders ISO/IEC JTC/SC6/WG1 IEEE WG Agree on process Agree on process Approve Chinese WAPI standard as ISO/IEC TR Arrange with the IEEE any required copyright approval Liaise TR to IEEE WG for integration of in-scope elements Start SG to consider elements of WAPI as part of Liaise TR to other groups for out of scope elements Start TG to incorporate elements of WAPI Continuous review of activities in other SDO’s Standardise elements of WAPI within Standardise (inc. elements of WAPI) as Liaise to ISO/IEC JTC1 Jesse Walker (Intel)

20 Sept 08 A refined TR option meets the goals of the IEEE WG and Wi-Fi user The IEEE WG believes the goals of the refined TR option resolves all the issues highlighted when evaluating the four options Any amendments to are undertaken by the IEEE WG, as the group with the most appropriate expertise (Issue 1) The result is a single standard that can easily be developed further in the future (Issue 2) Any material outside the scope of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 or the IEEE WG is directed to a more appropriate group either inside or outside ISO/IEC (Issue 3) Achieving these goals will almost certainly resolve any issue relating to IEEE copyright ownership of the document (issue 4) The refined TR option also has the highest probability of success because it brings together the WAPI and experts in a single and appropriate forum to develop and agree on a single standard Jesse Walker (Intel)

21 The refined TR option should meet the needs of the Chinese NB
Sept 08 The refined TR option should meet the needs of the Chinese NB It is believed that the Chinese NB want to standardise WAPI quickly, within the bounds of Chinese legal restrictions The refined TR option will almost certainly achieve standardisation with the bounds of Chinese legal restrictions by allowing the Chinese NB to submit WAPI to ISO rather than the IEEE WG The speed of the standardisation process will depend on the commitment of the Chinese NB and its appointed individuals to assist the integration process within the IEEE WG The Chair of the WG may offer immediate voting membership for those members of the Chinese NB that attend the first session of the WAPI SG Any process other than full integration of WAPI into (and ) represents a false economy It would ultimately lead to an orphaned standard, which could not be developed further to include e/g/h/i/j/k/ma/n/p/r/s/u/v/w/y/z/aa without substantial effort Jesse Walker (Intel)

22 Sept 08 The refined TR process will strengthen the relationship between ISO and IEEE The agreement recognised the expertise of the IEEE 802 in matters including WLAN standardisation, particularly within the scope of PHY and MAC The recent PSDO agreement between IEEE and ISO extends this recognition further The refined TR option provides an outstanding opportunity for the two organisations to work together in practical manner, each focusing on their particular area of expertise The IEEE WG can focus on technical issues related to the amendment of IEEE , with the assistance of the WAPI experts from ISO ISO/IEC JTC1 can focus on full and proper review the IEEE WG activities, as well as standardisation of technology outside the scope of IEEE This strengthened relationship will assist all stakeholders in the future Jesse Walker (Intel)

23 Sept 08 Lets gets started … It is unlikely that the various stakeholders will be able to agree to all the details of the overall process or deliverables at the November SC6 plenary However, it is important to put ourselves into a position whereby work on WAPI standardisation can occur as soon as possible We suggest one way of doing this is to start the process of approving the Chinese WAPI National Standard as a ISO/IEC TR as soon as possible The details of the process and deliverables can be agreed in subsequent meetings of SC6 Jesse Walker (Intel)

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