June 23, 2015 Special Education “Huddle”

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Presentation on theme: "June 23, 2015 Special Education “Huddle”"— Presentation transcript:

1 June 23, 2015 Special Education “Huddle”
2/24/2019 June 23, 2015 Special Education “Huddle” Good Morning and Welcome! We will begin the Huddle shortly. Dial in number is URL Goal: Provide a forum to answer LEA questions on Special Education Data Reporting. Support at:

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all webinar participants hear your hold music! Questions: Type it in the Chat Box Ask your question over the phone when microphone is on OR Raise your hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you

3 Agenda Progress Who to Report Defect Status Where to find errors
Hints & Tips Updates Resources 3

4 Progress Next goal Wednesday July 8: All IEP Interchange errors resolved Zero errors on Child File and Participation File (verify under File Upload/Validation report or Batch Maintenance or Special Education Status Dashboard) 5 AUs haven’t uploaded a Participation file since February  Wednesday July 15: At least 1 Sped EOY Snapshot created 45 AUs have met this goal already  Tuesday September 15: All IEP Interchange and Sped EOY Snapshot errors resolved A handful of AUs are down to zero errors already  4

5 Who to Report Part C Services (ages 0-3): Path 1
Children who were evaluated for Part C services (whether found eligible or not) Referrals only to Part C do not need to be reported Part B Services (ages 2.5 – 3.9): Path 2 Children ages 2.5 through 3.9 referred to Part B services while receiving Part C These kids must have been receiving Part C services at the time of the Part B referral Includes those referred but not evaluated, those evaluated and found not eligible, and those evaluated and found eligible and received services during school year Part B Services (ages 2.5 – 21): Path 3 Children ages 2.5 through 21 who were referred, evaluated, and/or received special education Part B services and were not receiving Part C services immediately prior 5

6 When to Report Path 1 Part C records: report students in the school year in which the child was EVALUATED. Paths 2 & 3 Part B records: report students in the school year in which the IEP was IMPLEMENTED. 6

7 Defect Status FIXED Cognos 1.1 Snapshot Records Excluded due to Profile Errors report not populating. Displays “No Data Available” when errors still exist at the Interchange Parent file also needs to be disabled in cognos IN PROGRESS SY258 Warning: triggering incorrectly. Please ignore for now. SY108 errors not pulling into the Cognos Detail Error excel reports. Causing error counts to be off between confirmation, status dashboard, and cognos reports SY108 details are accessible under the Pipeline Error Reports SY109 should be in production by next week- “New” business rule All students reported on the December count for your administrative unit as attending an eligible facility (attendance code 22) must be reported on your Special Education Student End of Year file. If a student was previously reported in error please submit an exception. 7

8 Tips Make sure Date of Entry to Special Education is zero-filled if student never actually started receiving services from your AU. We’re noticing some records have this date populated even though student didn’t start on an IEP New business coming to enforce this LAMS: remember to deactivate respondents from IdM if they leave your AU. Remember to report any students DETAINED at a Detention Center located within your AU. Remember to report any students attending private schools on an ISP that your AU is providing services to. PPPS = 01 Records: Special Education and related services are provided on an ISP. 8

9 Special Education Exit Data
Why isn’t it possible to combine the Regular EOY and Special Ed EOY exit fields? U.S. Dept. of Ed requires exit data concerning- The circumstances under which the student exited from Special Education services in your Administrative Unit Student End of Year exit types indicate the reason the student exited the district. Example: student exits district to attend a different district within the same AU. An exit code would be necessary for the record on Regular EOY , but not Sped EOY. The Special Education End of Year and the Student End of Year collect different exit data at different levels; therefore the exit codes cannot be combined into one set. (Even though many of the codes do overlap).

10 Moved, Known to be Continuing
Federal Exit Category: The following federal sped exit definition dictates that students who have moved out of the catchment area, which in Colorado is LEA level (AU level in our case), should be marked as a Special Education exit. Moved, known to be continuing These students moved out of the catchment area (LEA/AU level) or otherwise transferred to another district* and are KNOWN to be continuing in an educational program. There does not need to be evidence that the students are continuing in special education only that the students are continuing in an educational program. This includes students who are in residential drug/alcohol rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, or charter schools if those facilities operated as separate districts, excluding normal matriculation. *district in this situation is referring to Administrative Unit or how Colorado is structured. 10

11 Special Education Exit Code 13
Sped Exit code 13: Transfer to a Public School in a Different AU A student who transfers to a public school in another Administrative Unit within the state (examples: a Special Education student who transfers to another administrative unit and is known to be continuing in a Special Education program, a student going to a detention center run by another school district, etc.). (This code should be used for students who transfer to CSDB or CMHI-Pueblo.) 11

12 Exit Code 40 Clarification
Discontinued Schooling/Dropped Out – A student who was enrolled in school at any time during the reporting period, but leaves school for any reason other than one of the following exclusionary conditions: 1) transfers (with official documentation) to another public school district, private school, home based education program or other state/district approved educational program; 2) temporary absence due to suspension or expulsion; or 3) parent revoked consent for special education services. This would include a student who was in membership the previous school year and who does not meet the above exclusionary conditions and does not return to school prior to the end of the school year. Students who are extremely ill and unable to continue special education services, not even indirect services, must also be coded as Discontinued Schooling/ Dropped Out. 12

13 Resources Snapshots/Special Education End-of-Year
Special Education EOY Data Content Guide New (old) document coming later this week Combination of the old Data Elements & Definitions and File Layouts and Edits documents Includes legal justification and tips for reporting Coding Scenarios Special Education EOY Quick Reference – steps in Pipeline Exception Template 13

14 Upcoming Webinars Next Special Education Huddle:
Tuesday July 28 from 11:00 – 12:00 Sped EOY Reports Training Webinar: Tuesday September 8 from 10:30 – 12:00 14

15 2/24/2019 Contact Information Lindsey Heitman- SPED EOY collection coordinator SPED EOY Team Members: Orla Bolger – Content Expert Kristi Gleason – Backup SPED EOY team member 15

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