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Choices 360 UNIV 1301.

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Presentation on theme: "Choices 360 UNIV 1301."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choices 360 UNIV 1301

2 What is “Choices360”? The Choices360 Planner is a comprehensive career planning program that can help you make decisions about your educational and career goals. Choices360 will help you learn about your interests, skills, and values by taking assessments. Use this PowerPoint with screen shots to help navigate Choices360 and complete your homework.

3 Choices360: How to Access It

4 Click “Create an Account”

5 You will then see this

6 Enter the Activation Code
Activation Code: TX01540

7 Click “College or Postsecondary School Student”

8 Click “Find”

9 Select “University of Texas – El Paso” Click “Continue”

10 Click “Next”

11 You will then see this

12 Fill in the Following Information:
Account Information: Your Name Expected year of college graduation Cell phone (optional) address:

13 Fill in the Following Information:
Account Name and Password Account Name: Password: an easy password for you to remember Security Question: What is your UTEP ID number? Security Answer: 8XXXXXXX Password requirements: 5-12 characters No spaces or special characters It cannot match your account name

14 Fill in the Following Information:
Additional Information: Gender & Ethnicity (optional) Import from a Choices Portfolio to Your Account Select “I’ll do it later when I need it” Click the “privacy policy” checkbox Click “Create Your Account” X

15 You will receive a confirmation screen

16 You will then see this screen

17 We will focus on Career Planning

18 Getting Started Click “Career Planning” Click “Learn About Yourself”

19 You will see this screen
We will use The Interest Profiler Work Values Sorter The Career Key

20 Click “Interest Profiler”

21 Interest Profiler This assessment tool matches your work-related interests to your career options. Your results will include a profile of your interests. Be sure to answer what you enjoy doing, not what you know how to do. Duration: minutes 60 questions Click “Get Started”

22 Sample Question Tip: “Unsure” answers are grouped with the “Like,” and “Strongly Like” category

23 Results of your Interest Profile
Once you have answered all of the questions, you will receive a list of your top interests Click “Matching Careers”


25 Pick one and click on it

26 Work Values Sorter Return to the “Learn About Yourself” tab Click “Work Values Sorter”

27 Work Values Sorter This assessment matches your work-related values to career options. Answer what you find value in. Duration: 5-15 minutes

28 The Sorter Tip: Values are ranked from most to least important. They are not ranked within each individual column.


30 Click “Continue to Your Results”

31 Your Top Work Values Once you have answered all of the questions, you will receive a list of your “top work values.” Click “View careers”

32 How many careers match your work values?

33 Pick one and click on it

34 The Career Key Return to the “Learn About Yourself” tab Click “The Career Key”

35 The Career Key Discover your career interest areas in a few quick steps. Select careers that interest you now or will interest you in the future. You will look at: Your careers of interest Your interests Your abilities How you see yourself Your values Duration: minutes

36 Careers of Interest Check every career that interests or attracts you. Click “Continue” when you are done Tip: Do not click a career that you are undecided about, that does not sound interesting, or that you would dislike

37 Your Interests Read each statement and decide how much it describes you Click “Continue” when you are done Tip: Try to click only “True” or “Not True.” All “Mostly True” answers will get put with the “True” answers

38 Your Abilities Think about yourself and your abilities The site recommends you compare yourself to other persons your age Click “Continue” when you are done Tip: Try to click only “True” or “Not True.” All “Mostly True” answers will get put with the “True” answers

39 How You See Yourself Decide the extent to which each of the statements is true of you Click “Continue” when you are done Tip: Try to click only “True” or “Not True.” All “Mostly True” answers will get put with the “True” answers

40 Your Values To what extent are the statements true of you? Click “Continue” when you are done Tip: Try to click only “True” or “Not True.” All “Mostly True” answers will get put with the “True” answers

41 The Career Key: Results
Once you have answered all of the questions, you will receive a list of your “top interest areas” Select two interests to use in the career matching process Click “View Careers” when you are done X X

42 How many careers match your interests?

43 Pick one and click on it

44 Answer Question #1 from your homework
How many occupations fit your Career Key Interests? Identify two of the occupations from your Career Key Interests results section. For each occupation, explain why you would/wouldn’t be interested in doing it after you graduate from college. Be sure to cite specific information from the results page such as the job description, education requirements, basic/transferrable skills, insider info, military options, salary information, etc.

45 Answer Question #2 from your homework
As a child growing up, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did that occupation (or those occupations) end up on any of your results pages?

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