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Atmosphere Jeopardy Review

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Presentation on theme: "Atmosphere Jeopardy Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmosphere Jeopardy Review
Atmospheric Composition Atmospheric Structure Heating the Atmosphere Temperature Controls Hodge Podge 10 20 30 40 50

2 What is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere?
Category 1 – 10 Nitrogen

3 Which gas makes up 21% of our atmosphere?
Category 1 – 20 Oxygen

4 Which gas is the source of all the clouds and precipitation?
Category Water Vapor

5 When 3 oxygen atoms combine together, what is it called?
Category Ozone

6 Why is the ozone important?
Category Protects us from UV rays by absorbing them

7 Name the 4 layers of the atmosphere?
Category Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, & Thermosphere

8 In which layers does temperature decrease with increase height?
Category Troposphere, Mesosphere

9 Which layer do we live in?
Category 2 – 30 Troposphere

10 Which atmospheric layer is the ozone located ?
Category 2 – 40 Stratosphere

11 All important weather phenomena happens in which atmospheric layer?
Category 2 – 50 Troposphere

12 What are the 3 methods of heat transfer?
Category Conduction, Convection, & Radiation

13 In which mechanism of heat transfer is there a circular motion of matter?
Category Convection

14 In which mechanism does heat travel through materials from the higher temperature to the lower temperature? Category Conduction

15 What is the process by which light is bounced back in all directions ?
Category Scattering

16 What is the process by which light is bounced back with the same intensity?
Category Reflection

17 How does a higher altitude affect your temperature?
Category Lower temp.

18 Does land or water heat faster?
Category Land

19 What are lines, on a map, that connect values of equal temperatures?
Category Isotherms

20 The fraction of total radiation that is reflected by any surface
Category Albedo

21 During the evening, clouds act as a blanket by _________ heat.
Category Absorbing

22 Name the 4 major spheres of the Earth.
Category Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere, & Biosphere

23 The observation of weather over many years.
Category Climate

24 Refers to the state of the atmosphere at any given time and place.
Category Weather

25 What is a measure of the average kinetic energy in a substance?
Category Temperature

26 Energy transferred from one object to another because of a difference in their temperature .
Category Heat

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