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Atmosphere Layers.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmosphere Layers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmosphere Layers

2 A.) How does air pressure change as you increase in altitude?
The air pressure decreases as you increase in altitude.

3 Troposphere B.) What are the major gases found in the troposphere?
Tropo – turning Place where we live B.) What are the major gases found in the troposphere? The major gases found in the troposphere are: 78% nitrogen 21 % oxygen Other important gases are water vapor, ozone, and carbon dioxide

4 Troposphere C.) What layer of the atmosphere is most important for the weather? The layer that is most important for the weather is the troposphere, because that is where weather happens.

5 Stratosphere Strato – layers Air is layered
D.) Describe the temperature of the stratosphere. The Temperature varies: The lower part of the stratosphere is very cold (-60⁰ C) The temperature rises as the altitude increases, because of the ozone layer (0 ⁰ C) Jet pilots fly

6 Stratosphere E.) Where is the ozone layer found and why is it important? The Ozone layer is found in the stratosphere. The ozone layer is important because it protects life on Earth by absorbing harmful UV radiation from the sun.

7 Mesosphere Meso – middle Meteors vaporized Colder than Antarctica
Ice clouds

8 Thermosphere Thermo – heat Upper layer Auroras

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