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When to use active & passive voice

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Presentation on theme: "When to use active & passive voice"— Presentation transcript:

1 When to use active & passive voice

2 When it’s okay to use passive voice
The actor is unknown The cave paintings of Lascaux were made in the Upper Old Stone Age. The actor is irrelevant An experimental solar power plant will be built in the Australian desert. You want to be vague about who is responsible The meal was burnt today.

3 When it’s okay to use passive voice
4. You are talking about a general truth Rules are made to be broken [by anyone, doesn’t matter who] 5. You want to emphasize the person or thing acted upon. It may be your main topic. Insulin was first discovered in 1921 by researchers at the University of Toronto.

4 When to avoid passive voice
If you’re being vague about who is responsible for the action, but that detail is significant Both Othello and Iago desire Desdemona. She is courted. [by whom?] If you’re hiding holes in your research or knowledge The telephone was invented in the 19th century. [by whom?]

5 When to avoid passive voice
3. If it just makes the sentence wordy or indirect with no other purpose The car was being driven by Michael at the time of the accident. 4. If it makes it confusing to know who the real actor is Research has been done. [by whom? We need to know]

6 Basically You have to use your own judgment to decide whether passive or active voice is more appropriate in each individual situation

7 Practice—Switch, then decide
Poland was invaded in 1939, thus starting WWII. Genetic information is encoded by DNA. The possibility of cold fusion has been examined for many years. Gifts are generally given most at Christmas and for birthdays.

8 Practice—Switch, then decide
1. It matters who did the invading Poland was invaded in 1939, thus starting WWII. Genetic information is encoded by DNA. The possibility of cold fusion has been examined for many years. Gifts are generally given most at Christmas and for birthdays.

9 Practice—Switch, then decide
2. Switching it would make it more concise Poland was invaded in 1939, thus starting WWII. Genetic information is encoded by DNA. The possibility of cold fusion has been examined for many years. Gifts are generally given most at Christmas and for birthdays.

10 Practice—Switch, then decide
3. Who is examining it? Why is it important? Poland was invaded in 1939, thus starting WWII. Genetic information is encoded by DNA. The possibility of cold fusion has been examined for many years. Gifts are generally given most at Christmas and for birthdays.

11 Practice—Switch, then decide
Poland was invaded in 1939, thus starting WWII. Genetic information is encoded by DNA. The possibility of cold fusion has been examined for many years. Gifts are generally given most at Christmas and for birthdays. 4. Keep passive. It could be anyone giving the gifts

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