There are many pictures of different shapes below.

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1 There are many pictures of different shapes below.
Building Background Shapes and Solids There are many pictures of different shapes below. Can you divide them into two groups? Cut out pictures and glue them in each box. Why are these shapes in one group? Write titles in each circle. (Shapes or Solids) JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

2 cube faces rectangle shapes JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

3 solids square cube faces
[kyoob] Noun, plural cubes. a cube is a solid object like a block, with six equal square sides. Hannah put two cubes of ice into her glass of water. face[fase] Noun, plural faces. the surface or outward part of something. solids square cube faces JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

4 shapes solids square rectangle [rek-tang-gul] Noun. plural rectangles.
Mathematics. a figure with four sides and four right angles. shape[shape] Noun. plural shapes. the outline of something; a form or figure. solid[sol-id] Noun, plural solids. a substance that is not a liquid or gas and that has a fixed shape. [skware] Plural noun squares. Mathematics. a four-side figure with sides of equal length and corners at right angles. rectangle shapes solids square JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

5 Number agreement (수의 일치)
Grammar Shapes and Solids Grammar Number agreement (수의 일치) all + 명사 복수형 each + 명사 단수형 대체로 위와 같은 경우가 일반이나, 단 all의 경우는 단수, 복수가 모두 가능함. JIR : Shapes and Solids Practice 1 Practice 2 (JIR p 13, 15) All the faces are the same size. All the faces are the same shape. Each face is a square. Each face is a rectangle. All the brothers are kind. Each brother has his own room. JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

6 c_b_ fa_e_ _ _ape_ s_l_ds s_ _are cube faces rectangles shapes solids
Vocabulary Shapes and Solids Fill the blanks and write words one more. c_b_ fa_e_ _ec_an_les _ _ape_ s_l_ds s_ _are Connect. cube the surface or outward part of something. faces a four-side figure with sides of equal length and corners at right angles. rectangles a substance that is not a liquid or gas and that has a fixed shape. shapes a solid object like a block, with six equal square sides. solids the outline of something. squares a figure with four sides and four right angles. JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

7 Shapes and Solids Make a dice.
Before Writing Shapes and Solids Shapes and Solids Make a dice. First fill the three blanks with shapes ; a circle, a triangle, a square Then cut out, fold and glue. glue JIR-Shapes and solids(JYBOOKS.COM)

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