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Menstruation and Reproduction

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Presentation on theme: "Menstruation and Reproduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Menstruation and Reproduction

2 The Menstrual Cycle Female reaches puberty = hormones cause eggs to begin to mature Ovaries begin to release one egg/month = OVULATION



5 To prepare for the egg, uterus thickens with blood
If fertilization doesn’t occur, then the lining is expelled from the body (menstruation)

6 The Menstrual Cycle Time from one menstruation to another
Usually 28 days, but often irregular in girls and even women due to stress, illness, etc. Usually begins between 9-16 Can cause cramps, dizziness, nausea


8 Fertilization If a sperm is present in the uterus, then the sperm swim to the fallopian tube If an egg is present, it will fertilize and travel to the uterus It implants in the lining (so the lining is not expelled) which nourishes the egg as it grows



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