Meeting of WG DIS, October 2015, Brussels

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting of WG DIS, October 2015, Brussels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting of WG DIS, 13-14 October 2015, Brussels
WFD reporting links to MSFD reporting on Art. 13 Programmes of Measures European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit C.2

2 MSFD reporting on Art. 13 Programmes of Measures
Reports due by end March 2016 Reporting requirements developed with close link to WFD WFD reporting also due in March 2016 Many WFD measures will address land-based pressures that affect marine environment and achievement of Good Environmental Status (e.g. nutrient enrichment, contamination) WFD reports make specific link to MSFD, avoiding need to also report under MSFD MSFD follows KTM concept – 14 'pressure-based' marine KTMs Fact-sheet per new measure similar to WFD DG ENV

3 MSFD reporting package
Summary report (text-based) General overview questions List of all measures: WFD measures – URL link to WFD 'fact-sheet' reports Other existing measures – URL link to information New 'MSFD' measures – 'fact sheet' per measure Exceptions (Art. 14) Reporting sheets (xml) For all measures and exceptions, categorical information on: Links to other policies, KTMs, relevant targets (Art. 10), GES descriptors (Art. 9) and Annex III ecosystem elements, spatial coverage WFD reports extended (xml) For all WFD measures – mark whether MSFD relevant (Yes, No, Unknown) DG ENV

4 Key messages: Strong relationship between WFD and MSFD 2016 reports – measures address common pressures Both reporting systems make links to each other Commission has 6 months to assess MS reports under MSFD Art. 16 Highly dependent on WFD reports Shorter timescale for MSFD assessments than WFD assessments Late WFD reporting may affect MSFD assessment Need for close cooperation within MS DG ENV

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