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The skin and body membranes

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1 The skin and body membranes
Anatomy chapter 6 The skin and body membranes

2 Purpose of Membranes Covering Line cavities Protective sheets

3 Two types of membranes according to tissue type
epithelial-cutaneous(skin), serous(lines body cavities) and mucous(mouth,lungs) a. Peritoneum-covers organs b. Pleura-covers lungs c. Pericardium-covers heart

4 2. Connective-synovial that lines joints and secretes fluid

5 Location terms: Parietal-outside wall covering
Visceral-inner wall covering



8 Integumentary system:
Composed of cutaneous(skin), sweat and oil glands, hair and nails

9 Layers of the integumentary:
Epidermis-avascular-can shave without bleeding Dermis-vascular-epidermis and dermis are cemented together-if heat and friction split them apart then a blister forms Subcutaneous

10 Purpose: Protection Insulation Cushions internal organs

11 Structures continued:
Meissner’s corpuscles-touch receptors with nerve endings Collagen and elastic fibers for strength and flexibility Phagocytes to eat bacteria that has penetrated the epidermis Fingerprints are films of sweat left on a surface

12 Skin conditions: Redness-blushing, hypertension
Jaundice-liver disorder-excess bile in blood that is deposited in the skin Hematomas-bruises-blood leakage and clotting Cyanosis-bluish looking skin-decrease in oxygen-decrease in breathing rate-leads to heart failure

13 Skin coloring: Keratinizing-skin cells become tough and hard-protein that is water repellent Melanin-yellow, brown, black pigment that gives skin color-natural sun screen Skin color is determined by amount and kind of melanin in the epidermis and amount of carotene from foods we eat Pigment is released by melanocytes in the epidermis Freckles or moles are concentrated melanin

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