Session 5.2. Step 4.c. Reporting

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1 Session 5.2. Step 4.c. Reporting
TST WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

2 Trader Survey Training
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to: Identify the key components of the market analysis report Describe the attributes of an effective market analysis report WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

3 Nine Principles guide “The Four Step Approach”
Step 1: Formulation of assumptions Step 2: Establishing field survey parameters Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training Step 4: Supervision, analysis & reporting WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

4 Trader Survey Training
Step 4: Supervision, analysis & reporting Reporting Supervision of field work Analysis Step 4.C. Step 4.A. Step 4.B. WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

5 Trader Survey Training
Step 4.C. Reporting To inform decision-making: Get the analysis right AND convey message via clear report with Executive Summary & presentation of conclusions WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

6 Trader Survey Training
Step 4.C. Reporting To inform decision-making, analysis must be: sound, credible, clear, comprehensible, practical timely & relevant re: issues decision-makers must deal with presented in right format & channelled to decision-makers communicated effectively WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

7 Who are the end-users of our market analysis?
Step 4.C. Reporting “Communicate effectively”: Know your audience. Who are the end-users of our market analysis? WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

8 Trader Survey Training
Step 4.C. Reporting Essential Need: integrate TS results into the main FS assessment report avoid stand-alone reports Work with FS team leader to ensure s/he grasps key findings and impacts WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

9 Trader Survey Training
Team Exercise 5.2. Prepare Presentations for WFP senior managers and other stakeholders: Main objectives Key questions (upon which you developed your analysis plan) Methodology (e.g. type of assessment tool & techniques) Analysis (i.e. key findings by FS dimension: availability; conditions of purchase & sales; market response) Response recommendations You will have15 minutes for presentation and Q&A. WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

10 Trader Survey Training
Team Presentations Present your market analysis and report to WFP senior management. You should present the following: Main objectives Key questions (upon which you developed your analysis plan) Methodology (e.g. type of assessment tool & techniques) Analysis (i.e. key findings by FS dimension: availability; conditions of purchase & sales; market response) Response recommendations Plan on about 15 minutes for your presentation and for Q&A from plenary. WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training

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