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Job Performance Requirement 10-28

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Presentation on theme: "Job Performance Requirement 10-28"— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Performance Requirement 10-28
Advancing an Uncharged Hoseline Over a Ladder

2 A Upon reaching the entry point of the building— a window, balcony, or the roof—the firefighters stop in their respective positions on the ladder. The nozzle person removes the nozzle and places it over the tip of the ladder into the building. JPR 10-28A

3 B The nozzleperson climbs into the building,
using the top rung of the ladder as a hose roller, and pulls the hoseline up as the next firefighter climbs. JPR 10-28B

4 from the building after use, the line is drained and
C The nozzleperson must complete pulling up the section as the next firefighter arrives at the tip. The second firefighter dismounts into the building and pulls the remainder of the hose into the building while the nozzleperson advances the line. To remove the line from the building after use, the line is drained and the process of advancing the hose is reversed. JPR 10-28C

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