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Presentation on theme: "Amphibians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amphibians

2 1. Amphibians Cold –blooded (Less active in cold temperatures)
Undergo a metamorphosis to change from a gilled aquatic organism to an air breathing organism Two types: tailless and tailed

3 2. Changes (Young to Old) Gills to lungs (also breathe through skin)
2 chamber to 3 chamber heart Growth of two limbs Loss of tail (Resorb)

4 3. Frogs vs Toads Frogs have smooth moist skin while toads have rough dry bumpy skin Both lay eggs in water (or moist area) Frogs often hibernate (winter); toads often estivate (hot, dry)

5 Frogs

6 Toads

7 4. Frog Feasting

8 4. Frog Feasting Basically eat anything they can get into their mouths
Catch food with their tongues Teeth – not for chewing, but to keep live insects in the mouth (maxillary & vomerine teeth) Swallow by blinking eyes

9 Maxillary & Vomerine Teeth

10 Frog Tongues

11 5. Salamanders & Newts Tailed amphibians Gills to lungs
Breathe through skin Secrete substances to deter predators

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