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7 Low Carbon Construction

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1 7 Low Carbon Construction
REVISION 7 Low Carbon Construction 1

2 Past Exam Papers Dec 2012

3 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 UK

4 Dec 2014 KL


6 7- Low Carbon Construction
Low carbon construction is about rationalisation of energy consumption and thereby minimising the impact of construction activity on our planet.


8 New Structure Make the construction process more efficient and effective (using less resources and producing more to meet the project requirements) Responsible sourcing Having more energy efficient buildings * Design (e.g. Building orientation, layout, insulation) * Materials used * Passive houses (zero impact on the environment) * Energy refurbishment of buildings

9 Existing structure: Energy efficiency

10 Examples: Solar energy with photovoltaic slates


12 Passive houses Building standard that reduces the need for heating by 90% compared to conventional build and relies on renewable energy. Zero Carbon Housing will be achieved by additionally reducing the electricity demand and alternative means of supply. The Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, typifies the best of green architecture and ecologically sensitive adaptation. The country’s largest office and shopping complex is an architectural marvel in its use of biomimicry principles. The mid-rise building, designed by architect Mick Pearce in conjunction with engineers at Arup Associates, has no conventional air-conditioning or heating, yet stays regulated year round with dramatically less energy consumption using design methods inspired by indigenous Zimbabwean masonry and the self-cooling mounds of African termites!

13 Drivers for low carbon construction Government intervention
Incentives Promotion Legislation More drivers for LCC… Improve business performance, image, winning contracts, and CSR. Cutting down cost – Carbon footprint charges Creating new jobs – Green jobs especially in the recession

14 Technology-related (performance and efficiency)
Challenges when considering low carbon construction and the energy refurbishment of buildings Technology-related (performance and efficiency) Investment-related (Funding, ROI, Cost/Benefit analysis) Government initiatives (e.g. Feed-in-Tariffs) Improved data collection, reporting and use Development of new and better skills

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