Kamloops Basketball Officials Association 2018 Education Sessions October 23 to November 27 Presented by: Kraig Montalbetti, Educator/VP Bryce Egdell,

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Presentation on theme: "Kamloops Basketball Officials Association 2018 Education Sessions October 23 to November 27 Presented by: Kraig Montalbetti, Educator/VP Bryce Egdell,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kamloops Basketball Officials Association Education Sessions October 23 to November 27 Presented by: Kraig Montalbetti, Educator/VP Bryce Egdell, Assistant Educator Updated: November 12, 2018

2 SCHEDULE DATE TOPIC Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Orientation Session: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 19:00-21:00 Tuesday, October 30, 2018 Rules 1-4: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 19:00-21:00 Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Rule 5, High School, Grade 8, and Elementary Modifications: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 19:00-21:00 Saturday, November 10, 2018 Cost $15 BCBOA Regional Clinic: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 09:00-14:30 Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Rules 6-8: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 19:00-21:00

3 SCHEDULE DATE TOPIC Tuesday, November 20, 2018
2-Person Mechanics and Signals: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 19:00-21:00 Sunday, November 25, 2018 Training Session at Women’s League (St. Ann’s), 17:00-20:00 Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Training Session at Master Men’s League (TCC), 19:00-22:00 Tuesday, November 27, 2018 Exam Preparation: Held in TRU Science Room S373, 19:00-21:00 Late January, 2019 Playoff Preparation and Video Review : Location and times TBA

4 2018 FIBA RULE BOOK FIBA Official Basketball Rules 2018 (FINAL YELLOW-BLUE-GREEN VERSION SEPTEMBER 2018) Valid as of October 1, 2018 Rule Book has 8 Rules, 50 Articles, and Appendices A to E Rule One - The Game – Article 1 Rule Two - Playing Court and Equipment – Articles 2 to 3 Rule Three - Teams – Articles 4 to 7 Rule Four - Playing Regulations – Articles 8 to 21 Rule Five - Violations – Articles 22 to 31 Rule Six - Fouls – Articles 32 to 39 Rule Seven - General Provisions – Articles 40 to 44 Rule Eight - Officials, Table Officials, Commissioner: Duties and Powers – Articles 45 to 50 Appendix A is Officials’ Signals (1 to 66) Appendices B-E are not relevant to our purposes (FIBA Scoresheet, Protest Procedure, Classification of Teams, and Media Time-Outs)

5 Session 3 Tuesday, November 13, 2018 TRU Science Room S373 19:00-21:00 Rules 6-8

6 Rule 6 - Fouls A foul is an infraction of the rules concerning illegal personal contact with an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour Personal Fouls involve player contact with an opponent (live or dead ball) Technical Fouls are non-contact infractions of a behavioural nature

7 Rule 6 - Fouls Cylinder Principle:
Defined as the space within an imaginary cylinder occupied by a player on the floor Extends from floor to ceiling and is limited by the front by the palms of the hands, the rear by the buttocks, and the sides by the outer edge of the arms and legs The hands and arms may be extended in front of the torso no further than the position of the feet, with the arms bent at the elbows so that the forearms and hands are raised

8 Rule 6 - Fouls Cylinder Principle

9 Rule 6 - Fouls Principle of Verticality:
During the game, each player has the right to occupy any position (cylinder) on the playing court not already occupied by an opponent As soon as the player leaves his vertical position (cylinder) and body contact occurs with an opponent who had already established his own vertical position (cylinder), the player who left his vertical position (cylinder) is responsible for the contact

10 Rule 6 - Fouls Legal Guarding Position:
A defensive player has established an initial legal guarding position when he is facing his opponent and has both feet on the floor The legal guarding position extends vertically above him (cylinder) from the floor to the ceiling He may raise his arms and hands above his head or jump vertically but he must maintain them in a vertical position inside the imaginary cylinder

11 Rule 6 - Fouls Guarding a Player who Controls the Ball:
The elements of time and distance do not apply, as the player with the ball must expect to be guarded and be prepared to stop or change direction when an opponent takes an initial legal guarding position in front of him The defensive player must establish an initial legal guarding position without causing contact

12 Rule 6 - Fouls Guarding a Player who Controls the Ball (Cont.):
The defensive player may not extend his body out of his cylinder to impede the movement of the dribbler, but may turn within it to avoid injury When judging a charge/block situation involving a player with the ball, contact must occur on the torso, in which case the defensive player would be considered as having been at the place of contact first

13 Rule 6 - Fouls Guarding a Player who Does Not Control the Ball:
The elements of time and distance shall apply A defensive player cannot take a position so near and/or so quickly in the path of a moving opponent that the latter does not have sufficient time or distance either to stop or change his direction Distance is proportional to the speed of the opponent, but never less than 1 normal step

14 Rule 6 - Fouls A Player Who is in the Air:
Airborne players may land in the space from which they jumped, as well as any place (and the direct path to it) which was unoccupied at the time of take off If, after landing, a player’s momentum causes him to contact an opponent who has established a legal guarding position beyond the landing space, the jumper is responsible for the contact Moving under an airborne player and causing contact is usually an unsportsmanlike foul

15 Rule 6 - Fouls Screening: Legal and Illegal:
An attempt to delay or prevent an opponent without the ball from reaching a desired position Legal: the screener was stationary (inside his cylinder) and had both feet on the floor when contact occurred Illegal: the screener was moving, did not give sufficient distance (outside the field of vision of a stationary opponent), or did not respect the elements of time and distance of a moving opponent when contact occurred

16 Rule 6 - Fouls Charging: Illegal personal contact, with or without the ball, by pushing or moving into an opponent’s torso Blocking: Illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball

17 Rule 6 - Fouls No-Charge Semi-Circle Areas:
On any penetration play into the no-charge semi-circle area, any contact caused by an airborne offensive player with a defensive player inside the no-charge semi-circle area shall not be called an offensive foul Applies when the offensive player is in control of the ball whilst airborne, he attempts a shot for a field goal or passes, and the defensive player has one or both feet in contact with the no-charge semi-circle area (lines included)

18 Rule 6 - Fouls Contacting an Opponent with the Hand(s) and/or Arm(s):
Touching an opponent is not necessarily a foul (advantage = restricts freedom of movement, such as remaining in contact to impede progress) Repeatedly touching or jabbing is a foul “Hooking”, pushing off to create space or get free, etc. are fouls

19 Rule 6 - Fouls Post Play: The principle of verticality (cylinder) applies here too It is a foul to shoulder or hip one’s opponent out of position, or to interfere with their freedom of movement using extended arms, shoulders, hips, legs, etc. Illegal Guarding From the Rear Holding Pushing Fake a Foul

20 Rule 6 - Fouls Personal Foul:
A player’s illegal contact with an opponent, whether the ball is live or dead A player shall not hold, block, push, charge, trip or impede the progress of an opponent by extending his hand, arm, elbow, shoulder, hip, leg, knee or foot, nor by bending his body into an ‘abnormal’ position (outside his cylinder), nor shall he indulge in any rough or violent play

21 Rule 6 - Fouls Personal Foul- Penalty:
If committed on an player not in the act of shooting: Throw-in awarded to the non-offending team at the place nearest to the infraction (penalty situation excluded)

22 Rule 6 - Fouls Personal Foul- Penalty (Cont.):
If committed on a player in the act of shooting: Field goal (if successful) shall count and 1 free throw awarded 2 free throws awarded if (unsuccessful) shot released from the 2-point field goal area 3 free throws awarded if (unsuccessful) shot released from the 3-point field goal area If fouled before or as the game or shot clock signal sounds (ball still in the hands of the shooter), the goal shall not count and 2 or 3 free throws shall be awarded

23 Rule 6 - Fouls Double Foul:
A situation in which 2 opponents commit personal fouls against each other at approximately the same time Both fouls must: Be player fouls Involve physical contact Occur between the same 2 opponents fouling each other Have the same penalty

24 Rule 6 - Fouls Double Foul- Penalty: No free throws are awarded
If at the same time as a valid field goal or last/only free throw is scored: endline throw-in to non-scoring team If at the same time a team has control: throw-in to that team at the place nearest to the infraction If at the same time neither team has control: jump ball

25 Rule 6 - Fouls Technical Foul:
Non-contact fouls of a behavioural nature including: Disregarding warnings given by the officials Disrespectfully communicating with the officials, table officials, opponents, or team followers (on the bench) Using language or gestures likely to offend spectators Baiting an opponent or obstructing his vision Excessive swinging of the elbows Delaying the game Faking a foul Hanging on the ring unless trying to prevent injury Goaltending during the last or only free throw

26 Rule 6 - Fouls Technical Foul (Cont.):
Players shall be disqualified for the remainder of the game when charged with 2 technical fouls, 2 unsportsmanlike fouls, or 1 of each (no additional penalty for the disqualification) Coaches shall be disqualified for the remainder of the game when charged with 2 technical fouls (‘C’) resulting from personal unsportsmanlike behaviour or 3 technical fouls, either all (‘B’) or one of them (‘C’) resulting from unsportsmanlike behaviour of other team bench personnel

27 Rule 6 - Fouls Technical Foul- Penalty:
If committed by a player, counts as a player and team foul If committed by team bench personnel, charged against the coach and shall not count as a team foul 1 free throw, awarded to any opponent (designated by the coach), administered immediately (no line up)

28 Rule 6 - Fouls Technical Foul- Penalty (Cont.):
After the free throw, throw-in by the team in or entitled to control of the ball, nearest to where the ball was located when the technical foul was called (endline if field goal or last free throw was scored) Jump ball if neither team had or was entitled to control of the ball when the technical foul was called Jump ball in the centre circle to begin the first quarter

29 Rule 6 - Fouls Unsportsmanlike Foul:
Player contact fouls which in the judgement of an official are: Not a legitimate attempt to directly play the ball Excessive, hard contact Unnecessary contact to stop the progress of the offensive team in transition (ends when player in act of shooting) Contact from behind or laterally on a breakaway (ends when player in act of shooting) Contact by a defensive player during the last 2 minutes of the fourth quarter or overtime before a throw-in

30 Rule 6 - Fouls Unsportsmanlike Foul- Penalty:
Players shall be disqualified for the remainder of the game when charged with 2 technical fouls, 2 unsportsmanlike fouls, or 1 of each (no additional penalty for the disqualification) Free throw(s) are awarded to the player who was fouled, followed by a throw-in from the front court throw-in line, opposite the scorer’s table (except jump ball in the centre circle to begin the first quarter)

31 Rule 6 - Fouls Unsportsmanlike Foul- Penalty (Cont.):
If committed on a player not in the act of shooting: 2 free throws awarded If committed on a player in the act of shooting: Field goal (if successful) shall count and 1 free throw awarded 2 free throws awarded if shot released from the 2-point field goal area 3 free throws awarded if shot released from the 3-point field goal area

32 Rule 6 - Fouls Disqualifying Foul:
Any flagrant unsportsmanlike action by a player or team bench personnel A coach who has received a disqualifying foul may be replaced by the assistant coach, as long as he is entered on the score sheet Any disqualified individual shall leave the building, or go to and remain in his team’s dressing room for the duration of the game (high school players excepted and remain on the bench)

33 Rule 6 - Fouls Disqualifying Foul- Penalty:
Free throw(s) are awarded to: Any opponent (designated by the coach) in the case of a non-contact foul The player who was fouled in the case of a contact foul Followed by a throw-in from the front court throw-in line, opposite the scorer’s table (except jump ball in the centre circle to begin the first quarter)

34 Rule 6 - Fouls Disqualifying Foul- Penalty (Cont.):
If a non-contact foul or committed on an player not in the act of shooting: 2 free throws awarded If committed on a player in the act of shooting: Field goal (if successful) shall count and 1 free throw awarded 2 free throws awarded if (unsuccessful) shot released from the 2-point field goal area 3 free throws awarded if (unsuccessful) shot released from the 3-point field goal area

35 Rule 6 - Fouls Disqualifying Foul- Penalty (Cont.):
If committed by a coach: 2 free throws If committed by team bench personnel: charged against the coach as a technical foul; 2 free throws If for their active participation during a fight: charged against the offender; 2 free throws for each disqualifying foul All free throw penalties shall be executed, unless equal penalties against the opponent’s team to be cancelled

36 Rule 6 - Fouls Fighting: Substitutes, excluded players, or team followers who leave the team bench area during a fight, or during any situation which may lead to a fight (but not actively involved), shall be disqualified The coach and/or assistant coach are permitted to leave the team bench area during these situations to assist the officials to maintain/restore order (but disqualified if not assisting the officials to maintain/restore order)

37 Rule 6 - Fouls Fighting- Penalty:
Irrespective of the number of team bench personnel disqualified, a single technical foul (‘B’) shall be charged against the coach All disqualifying fouls shall not count as team fouls

38 Rule 6 - Fouls Fighting- Penalty (Cont.):
After the free throws, throw-in by the team in or entitled to control of the ball, from the front court throw-in line, opposite the scorer’s table (endline if field goal or last free throw was scored) Jump ball if neither team had or was entitled to control of the ball when the game was stopped because of the fighting

39 Disqualifications at the High School Level

40 Incident Reports

41 Rule 7 - General Provisions
5 Fouls by a Player: A player who has committed 5 fouls shall be informed by an official and must leave the game immediately (must be substituted within 30 seconds) A foul by a player who has previously committed 5 fouls is considered as an excluded player’s foul and is charged against the coach (‘B’)

42 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Team Fouls: Penalty: A team foul is a personal, technical, unsportsmanlike or disqualifying foul committed by a player All team fouls committed during an Interval of Play shall be considered as being committed in the following quarter or overtime All team fouls committed in each overtime shall be considered as being committed in the fourth quarter

43 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Team Fouls: Penalty (Cont.): A team is in the team foul penalty situation when it has committed 4 team fouls in a quarter When in the team foul penalty situation, all following player personal fouls committed on a player not in the act of shooting shall be penalized by 2 free throws Offensive fouls are always only penalized by a throw-in for the opponents

44 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Special Situations: When multiple fouls occur during the same stopped clock period: All equal penalties against both teams and all double foul penalties shall be cancelled All remaining penalties shall be administered in the order in which they were called (exception: technical fouls administered first)

45 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Special Situations: The right to possession of the ball as part of the last penalty shall cancel any prior rights to possession If at the same time as the first infraction: A field goal or last free throw was scored: endline throw-in to the non-scoring team A team had or was entitled to possession of the ball: throw-in to that team nearest the place of the first infraction Neither team had or was entitled to possession of the ball: jump ball

46 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Free Throws: Players entitled to free throws must attempt them before leaving the game If he must leave the game due to injury, having committed 5 fouls or having been disqualified, his substitute shall attempt the free throw(s) When a technical or disqualifying non-contact foul is called, any member of the opponent’s team (as designated by his coach) shall attempt the free throw(s)

47 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Free Throws (Cont.): The free-throw shooter shall: Take a position behind the free-throw line and inside the semi-circle Release the ball within 5 seconds after it has been placed at his disposal by the official Not touch the free throw line or enter the restricted area until the ball has entered the basket or touched the ring Not fake a free throw

48 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Free Throws (Cont.): The players in the free-throw rebound places shall not distract the free thrower or enter the restricted area until the ball has left the free thrower’s hand The players not in the free-throw rebound spaces shall remain behind the free throw line extended and behind the three-point-line until the free throw ends (rim) During free throws to be followed by more free throws or a throw-in, all players shall remain behind the free throw line extended and behind the three-point-line

49 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Free Throws- Penalty: If a free throw is successful and the violation is committed by the free-throw shooter, the point shall not count and other player’s violations shall be disregarded (throw-in from free throw line extended) If a free throw is successful and the violation is committed by players other than the free throw shooter, the point shall count and the violation(s) shall be disregarded

50 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Free Throws- Penalty (Cont.): If a free throw is not successful and the violation is committed by: The shooter or their team-mate on the last or only free throw, the opponents are awarded a throw-in at the free-throw line extended An opponent of the free-throw shooter, a substitute free throw shall be awarded to the shooter Both teams, on the last or only free throw, a jump ball situation occurs

51 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Correctable Errors: Applies only to: Awarding an unmerited free throw(s) Failure to award a merited free throw(s) Erroneous awarding or cancelling of a point(s) Permitting the wrong player to attempt a free throw(s) The error must be recognized before the ball becomes live following the first dead ball after the game clock has started following the error Any fouls committed, points scored, time used, etc. between the error having occurred and being recognized shall remain valid

52 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Correctable Errors (Cont.): If when the error is recognized a player involved in the correction is on the team bench, he must re-enter the game to participate in the correction of the error Upon completion of the correction, he may remain in the game unless a legal substitution has been requested again If he was substituted due to injury, having committed 5 fouls or having been disqualified, his substitute must participate in the correction of the error

53 Rule 7 - General Provisions
Correctable Errors (Cont.): After the correction of the error, the game shall be resumed at the point it was stopped to correct the error Any error in scorekeeping, time-keeping and shot clock operations by the table officials involving the score, number of fouls, number of time-outs, game clock and shot clock time consumed or omitted may be corrected at any time (these are errors that are correctable, not correctable errors)

54 Rule 8 – Officials, Table Officials, Commissioner: Duties and Powers
The Crew Chief shall have the power to make decisions on any point not specifically covered by these rules Each official has the power to make decisions within the limits of his duties, but he has no authority to disregard or question decisions made by the other official(s) When deciding on a personal contact or violation, the officials shall have regard to the concept of ’advantage/disadvantage’, common sense, and a balance between game control and game flow

55 Next Week: Session 4 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 TRU Science Room S373 19:00-21:00 2-Person Mechanics and Signals

56 2-Person Mechanics See: FIBA Official Basketball Rules 2010 Referees’ Manual Two-Person Officiating

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