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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 Mixed CATEGORY People Acts Definitions 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Anti-Communist activist who created McCarthyism..
What is Joseph McCarthy___? Return Row 1, Col 1

4 Provides aid to retirees, the unemployed, people with
disabilities, and families with dependent children. What is Social Security Act? Return 1,2

5 Opposition to political and economic entanglements with
other countries. What is Isolationism? Return 1,3

6 United States and Great Britain set forth their goals in opposing
the Axis powers. What is Atlantic Charter? Return 1,4

7 The biology teacher that was tried for challenging a Tennessee law
that outlawed the teaching of evolution. What is John T. Scopes? Return 2,1

8 Allowed the United States to ship arms and other supplies,without
immediate payment, to nations fighting against Axis powers. What is Lend-Lease Act? 2,2 Return

9 Roosevelt's program to provide relief for the needy, economic
recovery, and financial reform during the Great Depression. What is New Deal? Return 2,3

10 Describe an imaginary line that seperated Communist countries
in the Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe from counties in Western Europe. What is Iron Curtain? Return 2,4

11 Poet who wrote about the difficult lives of working-class African
Americans. What is Langston Hughes? Return 3,1

12 Two laws that that imposed harsh penalties on anyone Interfering with
or speaking against U.S. participation. What is _Espionage and Sedition Acts____? Return 3,2

13 A 1964 project to register African American voters in Mississippi.
What is Freedom Summer? Return 3,3

14 Organization to pursue feminist goals, such as better
childcare facilities, improved educational opportunities, and an end to job discrimination. What is National Organization for Women? Return 3,4

15 A Mexican-American farm worker trying to organize a union for
California’s mostly Spanish- speaking farm workers. What is Cesar Chavez? Return 4,1

16 A law banning discrimination on the basis of face, sex, national
origin, or religion in public places and most work places. What is Civil Rights Act of 1964? Return 4,2

17 An agency that provides volunteer assistance to developing nations
in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. What is Peace Corps? Return 4,3

18 The purchasing of stocks by paying only a small percentage of the
price and borrowing the rest. What is buying on margin? Return 4,4

19 First to make a nonstop solo flight Across the Atlantic.
What is Charles Lindbergh? Return 5,1

20 A name given to to the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, that provided
Financial and educational benefits For World War II veterans. What is GI Bill of Rights? Return 5,2

21 The unplanned and uncontrolled spreading of cities into
surrounding regions. What is Urban Sprawl? Return 5,3

22 Investigated the assassination of president Kennedy and concluded
that Lee Harvey Oswald was alone responsible for it. What is Warren Commission? Return 5,4

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