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Genetics Jeopardy! Traits Genes

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics Jeopardy! Traits Genes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics Jeopardy! Traits Genes 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200
Surprise Alleles Punnett Squares Punnett Squares 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

2 What is an acquired trait?
100 What is an acquired trait? Answer: An acquired trait is a trait that you learn in the environment such as how to catch a ball.

3 What is an inherited trait?
200 What is an inherited trait? Answer: An inherited trait is a trait that is passed on from parent to offspring such as hair or eye color.

4 If I am heterozygous for brown eyes, what alleles would I have?
300 If I am heterozygous for brown eyes, what alleles would I have? Answer: any letter- Bb; one dominant and one recessive allele

5 400 Light colored eyes are recessive to dark colored eyes. Determine the phenotype for each genotype below based on this information. BB, Bb, bb Answer: BB and Bb: Dark Eyes bb: Light Eyes

6 500 Label each of the following homozygous dominant, heterozygous, or homozygous recessive. Hh, TT, ii, Rr, Pp, LL, ee Answer: HE, HD, HR, HE, HE, HD, HR

7 What does a gene code for?
100 What does a gene code for? Answer: Genes code for traits.

8 200 What is phenotype? Give an example.
Answer: Physical trait that is expressed and can be seen, such as hair/eye color.

9 300 What is genotype? Give an example.
Answer: The actual genes an organism has, cannot be seen. GG, Gg, gg

10 400 What does it mean for genes to be Homozygous dominant, Heterozygous and Homozygous recessive? Answer: HD= two dominant alleles HE= one dominant/one recessive HR= two recessive alleles

11 Brown ________ Red_______
500 If red hair is recessive to brown hair. What genotypes would be possible? Brown ________ Red_______ Answer: Brown Hair = TT, Tt Red Hair = tt

12 Define the latin terms below:
100 Define the latin terms below: Zygo, Genic, Homo, Hetero Answer: to join; producing or causing; same; different

13 How many chromosome pairs does a Human have? Total?
200 How many chromosome pairs does a Human have? Total? Answer: 23, 46

14 300 Who is Gregor Mendel? What important contributions did he make to Genetics? Answer: Mendel is the Father of Genetics, he determined that traits are passed on from parent to child and that each trait has two factors(alleles).

15 400 What is another word for heterozygous?
. What is another word for heterozygous? What is another word for homozygous? Provide examples of genotypes for each vocabulary word. Answer: Heterozygous=Hybrid (Bb) Homozygous= Purebred (BB or bb)

16 Did the hospital make a mistake? If so, who belongs to who?
500 Did the hospital make a mistake? If so, who belongs to who? SpongeBob(RR) and SpongeSusie(rr) came home with a SpongeBaby1 who is Round(rr). SpongeBillyBob(Rr) and SpongeGerdy(rr) came home with SpongeBaby2 who is Square(Rr). SpongeJoe(Rr) and SpongeJane(RR) came home with SpongeBaby3 who is square(RR). Answer: Yes, SpongeBaby1 and SpongeBaby2 need to be swapped.

17 How many alleles does each gene in an organism have?
100 How many alleles does each gene in an organism have? Answer: Each gene has two alleles.

18 What are the two types of alleles an organism can have?
200 What are the two types of alleles an organism can have? Answer: Dominant and Recessive

19 When is a recessive trait expressed?
Daily Double! 300 When is a recessive trait expressed? Answer: Only when two recessive alleles are present.

20 When is a dominant trait expressed?
400 When is a dominant trait expressed? Answer: Dominant traits are expressed when only one copy of the allele is present.

21 What alleles do males and females have?
500 What alleles do males and females have? Answer: XY, XX

22 What is a Punnett Square and why do we use them?
100 What is a Punnett Square and why do we use them? Answer: it is a tool used to predict the offspring of any two parents for a particular trait.

23 200 An rabbit has an allele for white fur, but its fur is black. The allele for white fur would be considered… Answer: recessive

24 300 What is the probability the baby monster will have wings?
Wings are dominant over no wings. Both monster parents are hybrid for their wing trait. Answer: 75% with wings, 25% with no wings.

25 Bob tails in cats are recessive.
400 A local breeder is trying to breed cats with bob tails. He has a female bobtailed cat but his male cat does not have a bobtail. What genotype would the male cat have to be to produce offspring with bobtails. Bob tails in cats are recessive. Answer: The male cat would have to be heterozygous(one normal tail allele and one bobtail allele.

26 500 Answer: 50% Rr(round eyes) or 50% rr(oval eyes)
SpongeBob is known for his big round eyes (R), which is dominant over an oval eye shape (r). If he is heterozygous for his round eye shape and marries a woman with oval eye shape, what type of eyes might the kids have? Answer: 50% Rr(round eyes) or 50% rr(oval eyes)

27 What can a Punnett Square show us about heredity?
100 What can a Punnett Square show us about heredity? Answer: it can predict the possible allele combinations for offspring of two parents.

28 200 In guinea pigs, the allele for black fur is dominant over the allele for brown fur. If you had two parent guinea pigs, each with brown fur, what color fur might the offspring have, and why? Answer: The offspring would have to have brown fur because the parents can only pass on recessive brown alleles.

29 300 Answer: Yes, 50% chance the offspring will be orange
In starfish, pink body color (P) is dominant to orange (p). Patrick, who is heterozygous for body color has met Patti, who is recessive for her orange color. Is it possible for the new couple to have offspring that resemble their mother? Explain. Answer: Yes, 50% chance the offspring will be orange

30 Tasters are dominant over nontasters.
400 One of my parents is heterozygous for tasting PTC while the other is a purebred. What is the probability they will have children that are tasters of PTC? Tasters are dominant over nontasters. Answer: All children will be tasters. 50% TT, 50% Tt

31 500 Answer: There children will be heterozygous for long noses.
SpongeBob’s aunt has a cute stubby nose. She has finally found the sponge of her dreams and is ready to settle down. Her fiancé always comments on how adorable her nose is. They wonder what the chances are of that trait being passed on. Her fiancé is a purebred for his long nose. Long nose is dominant over stubby nose. Answer: There children will be heterozygous for long noses.

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