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Functions and Purposes of Government

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Presentation on theme: "Functions and Purposes of Government"— Presentation transcript:

1 Functions and Purposes of Government

2 I. Maintaining Order A. Establishes laws that promote respect for individual rights

3 Government works to protect people from unfair or harmful business practices
C. Enforcing laws that protect the safety and security of the people and property Police 2. National Guard

4 Regulating commerce and protecting national industries
1. building houses 2. transporting people 3. creating jobs Protecting Country from foreign invasion

5 II. Providing services-these services make community life possible and promote general welfare
A. Government Infrastructure- projects 1. sewer systems 2. schools 3. roads 4. parks B. Government makes and enforces laws that promote public health and safety 1. check meat and produce 2. driving test

6 III. Resolving conflict
Helps people reach common goals through compromise 1. Through Representation (Congress) the struggle to control government Court system 1. They enforce decisions reached through compromise 2. They are neutral parties that peacefully resolve conflicts

7 IV. Provide National Security
A. Protect against attack Make treaties (agreements) with other nations

8 V. Promote General Welfare
Promote Values: basic principles by which people act and live their lives 1. Equality of opportunity 2. Respect for individual rights 3. Good Education Make decisions and policies that attempt to balance the public good with the needs of select groups within the population.

9 Elements of Governance
How we judge our government: Accountability Participation Predictability Transparency

10 EXAMPLES?? How has the government. . . Maintained order
Protected the country from invasion Provided public services Resolved conflict Promote general welfare

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