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Into A New Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Into A New Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Into A New Century

2 You will be divided into seven groups
You will be divided into seven groups. I will give each student a number and once every person has a number you will be asked to join other students with the same number. Groups categories are based on major events or persons within the last twenty years including:

3 Operation Desert Storm

4 Oklahoma City Bombing

5 The World Wide Web and The Internet

6 George H.W. Bush

7 William J. Clinton

8 George W. Bush

9 September 11th Attacks

10 Today’s Task Once numbered off you will join other group members and I will give each group a topic and a reading regarding your topic. In your notebook as # 9 you will write down: Who: Who was involved? What: What happened? When: Time frame Where: Location of the event? Why: What was the background leading up to the event? How: How was it able to happen? Note if your group is given a President instead of WHAT you will need to write down five things they did while in office.

11 Group Posters Activity
Posters must include: Name of Person or Event Five facts regarding the incident, events, or individual. At least 3 pictures that represent or symbolize the event or individual. All groups will present their finding and take notes on all other presentations as # 10 in your notebooks.

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