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Fundations Parent Night

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Presentation on theme: "Fundations Parent Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundations Parent Night

2 Fundations Provides Scientifically Based Instruction
Reading is taught using key principles of instruction Explicit: Learning through modeling and doing Systematic: sequential and cumulative Motor Memory Learning Repetition: Multiple opportunities to practice Feedback is provided

3 Importance of Multisensory Teaching
“Using multisensory experienced activate more circuitry during language learning and produce multiple representations in working memory that improve the explicitness, completeness, and durability of what is stored in long term memory.” Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills, Judith Birsh

4 Letter-Keyword-Sounds
Drill Sounds

5 What is Tapping? cat shed block

6 What is Skywriting? Fundations Writing Grid Sky Line________________
Plane Line Grass Line________________ Worm Line________________

7 What are Trick Words?

8 Echo Find Letters Sounds Words

9 What about spelling tests? Written Composition
What is Dictation? What about spelling tests? Written Composition

10 Spelling “Spelling is intimately related to reading and to the relation of letters to sounds. Effective spelling instruction is more than rote memorization of word lists. Spelling (going from sound to letter) strongly reinforces reading (going from letter to sound), and its instruction should be linked to a child’s reading lesson.” Dr. Sally Shaywitz

11 Building Fluency Scooping
Story Time Building Fluency Scooping

12 Word of the Day Word Talk
Vocabulary Building Word of the Day Word Talk

13 Homework Home Support Packet Letter to the Family Unit Concepts Taught
Suggested Activities Homework Guide Trick Words

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