Georgia’s New State Constitution

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1 Georgia’s New State Constitution

2 The Symbol for Georgia’s government is the State Seal
The Symbol for Georgia’s government is the State Seal. It includes four key elements that tell us about our state’s government. First: Three columned structure which symbolizes the three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. Second: The columns are connected by an arch which represents the Georgia Constitution that unifies the three branches Third: Our state motto “Wisdom, Justice and Moderation” Wisdom- a quality the legislative branch must have to create new laws and amend old ones Justice- describe the legal system of defending and interpreting state laws Moderation- the executive branch, the office of governor, is a moderate, balanced leader, not extreme. Fourth: The soldier represents the Georgia National Guard. He is the defender of the Georgia Constitution and our state’s commitment to wisdom, justice, and moderation.

3 Structure of the Constitution
Legislators began writing our current constitution in 1977 and it was approved by Georgia citizens in 1983 The constitution is broken up into a preamble,11 articles and is 89 pages long It outlines the rights, rules, regulations, and procedures for both the state’s citizens and the state’s government.

4 11 Articles Article I: Bill of Rights Article II: Voting and Elections
Article III: Legislative Branch Article IV: Constitutional Boards and Commissions Article V: Executive Branch Article VI: Judicial Branch Article VII: Taxation and Finance Article VIII: Education Article IX: Counties and Municipal Corporations Article X: Amendments in the Constitution Article XI: Miscellaneous Provisions

5 Georgia’s Bill of Rights-Rights of Citizens
Life, Liberty, and Property Not without due process Freedom of Conscience No Religious persecution Banishment and Whipping as punishment Unreasonable punishment Fishing and Hunting Preserved for people and managed by law and regulation for public good.

6 Being a Georgia citizen

7 Your Responsibilities as a Georgia citizen
Paying Taxes Serving on juries Volunteering Voting

8 Election time

9 Voting Qualifications
Must be a citizen of the United States Must be 18 years old by election day Must be a legal resident of Georgia and of the COUNTY Cannot be serving in jail for a felony offense or ruled to be mentally incompetent

10 Where and how do citizens register to vote:
Registering to vote Where and how do citizens register to vote: City, county and state government offices Libraries Or you can get a form online and mail it to the Georgia Secretary of State office Citizens are only allowed to vote at the polling place in their district (precinct), or via absentee ballot.

11 Georgia elections General Elections
Primary Elections: Members of the Republican and Democratic party vote for candidates to run for a specific office. Governor Lt. Governor Secretary of State Held July or August during even numbered years. General Elections Election where the winners from both parties’ primaries, along with members of third parties and independents compete for political offices. Held even numbered years on second Tuesday of November

12 Other Election terms Special election- an election used to present a special issue to voters or to fill a vacancy (like last Tuesday’s Ed-Splost vote) Run-off- if a candidate does not receive more than 50% of the vote, then there is a run-off election Referendum- when voters have the opportunity to vote on a law. (when changes are being made to the state constitution) Precinct- your district (location of your polling place) Incumbent- is the current holder of a political office

13 SEPARATION OF POWER & Checks and Balances
Can decide if presidential acts are constitutional Can veto bills and call emergency sessions of Congress Can impeach the President, override a veto and confirm executive appointments. Can appoint Supreme Court justices and judges Can interpret constitutionality of laws. Can confirm or impeach judicial appointments, such as Supreme Court justices.

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