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George Washington Alexander Hamilton

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington Alexander Hamilton"— Presentation transcript:

1 George Washington Alexander Hamilton sectional differences, political parties, permanent alliances Jefferson and Hamilton Alien and Sedition Acts John Marshall Marbury v. Madison Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Sacajawea Aaron Burr

2 12. embargo 13. impressment, violation of American neutrality, Native American attacks on the frontier 14. Francis Scott Key 15. Washington DC 16. Dolley Madison 17. Andrew Jackson 18. Industrial Revolution 19. Erie Canal 20. protective tariff 21. Missouri=slave state, Maine=free state, slavery prohibited north of the line 22. Western Hemisphere closed to colonization, U.S. would not interfere in Europe, Europe would not interfere in Americas

3 23. Old Hickory 24. spoils system 25. Bank of the United States 26. South Carolina 27. Trail of Tears 28. Panic of 1837 29. The Alamo 30. manifest destiny 31. forty-niners 32. Frederick Douglass 33. Harriet Tubman

4 34. Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
35. Seneca Falls Convention 36. Samuel Morse 37. Eli Whitney 38. popular sovereignty 39. Fugitive Slave Act 40. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 41. Kansas-Nebraska Act 42. African Americans were not citizens, slavery could not be prohibited in the territories, slaves were property protected by the Constitution 43. John Brown 44. Jefferson Davis

5 45. Fort Sumter 47. Abraham Lincoln 48. Ulysses S. Grant 49. Robert E. Lee 50. more people, more factories, more railroads 51. blockade Southern Coast, get control of the Miss. River, capture Richmond 52. Bull Run 53. ironclads 54. a much-needed Union victory, discouraged European intervention, led to Emancipation Proclamation 55. Emancipation Proclamation

6 56. 54th Massachusetts 57. Gettysburg 58. Vicksburg 59. Copperheads 60. Clara Barton 61. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan 62. Appomattox Court House 63. John Wilkes Booth 64. Reconstruction 65. 13th Amendment 66. 14th Amendment

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