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T H E S A.

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1 T H E S A

2 Objectives Discover : what the SA was and when the SA was created. Explore : the roles the SA performed within the Nazi Party. Skill : effective revision / evaluation.

3 ‘Survivor’ A B Using flashboards / cards display the answers to the following 20 questions about the SA. All players should stand, and remain standing, until an incorrect answer is displayed. Note : some questions have more than one answer. Each player is allowed 2 lives on the first attempt. Repeat and review as desired! C D

4 The SA are sometimes called ….?
Question 1 The SA are sometimes called ….? A B Storm Chasers. Storm Troopers. State Troopers.s Super Troopers.s C D

5 A nickname for the SA was the…?
Question 2 A nickname for the SA was the…? B A Brown Jumpers. Brown Underpants. Brown Shirts. Brown Socks.s C D

6 The German translation for the SA is…?
Question 3 The German translation for the SA is…? A B ‘Sturm Abteilung’ ‘Storm Abteilung’ ‘Abteilung Strum’s ‘Das Stormz Trooper’s C D

7 The SA was formed / created by…..?
Question 4 The SA was formed / created by…..? A B Friedrich Ebert. Adolf Hitler. Ernst Rohm. Heinrich Himmler. C D

8 The SA was formed / made in….?
Question 5 The SA was formed / made in….? A B 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922.s C D

9 Question 6 The SA was organised / set up …? B A D C
’Like the police force’ ‘Along political lines’ ‘Like no other ’ ‘Along military lines’ C D

10 Question 7 The SA was described as ….? B A D C
’Germany’s unofficial army’ ‘Hitler’s private army’ ’’Hitler's bodyguards’ ‘Hitler’s most trusted army ’ C D

11 The SA’s first leader was …..?
Question 8 The SA’s first leader was …..? A B Friedrich Ebert. Adolf Hitler. Ernst Rohm. Heinrich Himmler. C D

12 Question 9 Many SA members were …? B A D C Ex Freikorps.
Ex Communists. Ex WW1 soldiers. Ex Democrats. C D

13 Question 10 Which best describes the environment in post-war Germany?
An uneasy truce between Left + Right wing parties. A peaceful and democratic society. Stable under a strong Right Wing Government. A political hotpot or ‘brawl’ between many parties. C D

14 Question 11 One role / job of the SA was to…..? B A D C
Protect Nazi speakers (Hitler). Protect Weimar Government. Protect Ernst Rohm. Protect communists. C D

15 Question 12 Another role / job of the SA was to…..? B A D C
Disrupt meetings in the German Reichstag (Parliament). Disrupt meetings of the Weimar Government. Disrupt meeting of the League of Nations. Disrupt meeting of political opponents. C D

16 Question 13 Another role / job of the SA was to …..? A B C D
Stop fights at NSDAP meetings. Start fights at NSDAP meetings. Start then stop fights at NSDAP meetings. Watch fights at NSDAP meetings. C D

17 Question 14 The SA started + stopped fights at their own meetings because.? A B They liked fighting. This made the Nazi Party look strong and in control of things. Hitler’s speeches were dull and boring. They needed the practice. C D

18 Question 15 Another role / job of the SA was to..? A B C D
March, sing and play drums at Nazi rallies. Carry banners and flags at Nazi rallies. Sing, dance and organise parties at Nazi rallies. March, sing , dance and play games at Nazi rallies. C D

19 Question 16 Another role of the SA was to….? A B C D
Frighten opposition voters during elections. Come up with catchy election slogans. Frighten Nazi voters during elections. Drive Nazi voters to polling / voting stations. C D

20 The SA was also used to attack / beat up…?
Question 17 The SA was also used to attack / beat up…? A B Jews. Workers. Communists. Rich people. C D

21 By 1934, the SA had grown to over...
Question 18 By 1934, the SA had grown to over... A B 2 hundred men 2 thousand men 2 hundred thousand men 2 million men C D

22 Question 19 In 1934, once he became chancellor, Hitler was...? A B C D
Very happy with the size and influence of the SA. Trying to make the SA even bigger. Ready to merge / join the SA with the real German army. Growing worried by the size and influence of the SA. C D

23 Question 20 Which statement best sums up the SA...? A B C D
It gave the Nazis leadership, creativity and strength. It made the Nazis look democratic, fair and liberal. It promoted a strong, proud Nazi identity during tough times. It was of little real value to the Nazi Party. C D

24 Link

25 Consolidate Using plasticine, lego or similar create a scene to show the SA in action. Go further : take a photo of the scene, add annotations and create a collaborative resource combing scenes from others groups in the class.

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