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Submission Title: [EGTS Joint Proposal for IEEE e]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [EGTS Joint Proposal for IEEE e]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [EGTS Joint Proposal for IEEE e] Date Submitted: [January 19, 2009] Source: [Myung Lee, Seong-Soon Joo, Tae Rim Park, Betty Zhao, Ghulum Bhatti, Ning Gu, Jie Shen, Wei Hong, Qin Wang, Quan Wang, and Ping Wang] Address [] Voice:[ ], FAX: [], Re: [IEEE P e] Abstract: [This document describes a joint proposal for IEEE e. While maintaining the backward compatibility to legacy IEEE b, the joint proposal meets all the MAC behaviors ratified by e TG. Currently, this joint proposal comprises contributions from CUNY, ETRI, Samsung, Huawei, MERL, Vinno, SIMIT, Arch Rock, USTB, Shenyang Inst. of Automation] Purpose: [Discussion in e Task Group] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P

2 Samsung, Arch Rock, SIMIT, Vinno, USTB, SIA, Chongqing UPT
EGTS Subgroup Report CUNY, ETRI, MERL, Huawei, Samsung, Arch Rock, SIMIT, Vinno, USTB, SIA, Chongqing UPT

3 Outline 1. Application support levels 2. Anticipated changes to STD 3. Backward compatibility description

4 Application Support Levels

5 Application Support Level
EGTS joint proposal can fully support all application domains because EGTS joint proposal can handle all required MAC behaviors.

6 Handling Required MAC Behaviors (1)
ACK Secure and Robust ACK, Group Ack Channel diversity (hopping, agility) Adaptive Slot and Channel Allocation with Adjacent Channel Interference, Adaptive channel diversity, Optional distributed channel hopping Superframe (GTS, TDMA) Flexible and Backward-compatible Enhanced GTS, Embedded CFP Low Power (Low duty Cycle) Sampled Listening, CAP reduction, Optional inactive period Overhead reduction (Short MAC address) Distributed time slot and channel allocation, Distributed beacon scheduling, Embedded CAP, Reduced MAC header Mesh support (Path diversity) Tree and Mesh Support by EGTS structure

7 Handling Required MAC Behaviors (2)
Time synchronization (Relative, Absolute) Time synchronization with deferred beacon Resource Scheduling Distributed EGTS allocation, Multiple QoS support, Sampled listening Portability (Fast Assoc/disassoc, Associationless) CAP, Localized channel allocation & Association Beacon scheduling Distributed beacon scheduling with beacon collision detection Scalability Distributed Approaches for resource scheduling, beacon scheduling EGTS Joint Proposal also provides: Reliability: EGTS Information Request, Embedded CAP, Deferred beacon Backward Compatibility to Harmonious Coexistence with

8 Anticipated changes to 802.15.4-2006 STD

9 Summary of Anticipated changes
Modified / New MAC primitives MCPS-DATA, MLME-GTS, MLME-EGTSinfo, MLME-START New MAC PIB attributes macMultisuperframeOrder, macConnecDev, macEGTSABT (Allocation Bitmap Table), macEGTSACT (Allocation Counter Table) A new command frame EGTS handshake New fields in Beacon Payload EGTS superframe descriptor, Beacon bitmap, TimeSync

10 EGTS-based Superframe Structure
A new MAC PIB attribute – macMultisuperframeOrder We define MO (multi-superframe order) such that N = 2(MO – SO), where MO ≥ SO. Multi-superframe Duration MD = aBaseSuperframeDuration*2MO symbols A new sub-field in Beacon payload EGTS superframe descriptor (variable) Multi-superframeOrder (MO) (4bits) GTS/EGTS flag (1bit) – 0: GTS, 1: EGTS CAP_Reduction flag (1 bit) – 0: off, 1: on CAP_Index (2 octets, only when the CAP_Reduction flag is on) Embedded CAP/CFP flag (1 bit) 0: Embedded CAP (Default) 1: Embedded CFP Number of Sub-slots (1 octet, only when Embedded CFP flag is on) 10

11 EGTS Scheduling (1) A new parameter in a MAC Primitive
MLME-GTS.request (GTSCharacteristics, SecurityLevel, KeyIdMode, KeySource, KeyIndex, EGTSCharacteristics) MLME-GTS.confirm (GTSCharacteristics, status, EGTSCharacteristics) MLME-GTS.indication (DeviceAddress, GTSCharacteristics, SecurityLevel, KeyIdMode, KeySource, KeyIndex, EGTSCharacteristics) A new command frame : EGTS Handshake Sub-fields: MHR fields, Commands frame identifier, EGTSCharacteristics

12 EGTS Scheduling (2) EGTSCharacteristics field format
EGTS Length (1 octet) : If this field is set to zero, the device operates the same way as the GTS in MAC. EGTS Characteristics type (3 bit): Allocation, Reallocation (for channel diversity or duplicated allocation), Deallocation, Duplicated Allocation Notification, Suspend, Reduce, Restart EGTS handshake type (2bit) : Request, Reply, Notify Prioritized Channel Access (1 bit) : high priority, low priority Destination Address (2 octets) EGTS Slot Identifier (2 octets) EGTS ABT Sub-block Length (4 bits) EGTS ABT Sub-block Index (2 octets) EGTS ABT Sub-block (variable)

13 ABT Sub-block Index ABT sub-block Entire ABT (Allocation Bitmap Table) may be too big to be transmitted by Beacon or EGTS command frames Example (MO = 7, SO = 3) ABT size = 224 octets (representing 1792 slots) 0: Vacant, 1: Allocated. Row: time slot, Column: channel Solution: Send a ABT sub-block (with the index indicating beginning of the sub-block and the length of the sub-block) ABT sub-block unit = 14 octets (7 timeslot X 16 channels) Example: 28 bytes sub-block. ABT Sub-block Length = 2 units ABT Sub-block Unit 13

14 EGTS Expiration, Deallocation, Reallocation
New MAC PIB attributes macEGTSABT (Allocation Bitmap Table) Explained in the previous slide macEGTSACT (Allocation Counter Table) ACT contains beacon interval counter of the slots that are allocated to the device (both as SRC and DST) entry = (allocated slot ID, direction, beacon interval counter)

15 Allocation, Reallocation, and Deallocation Message sequence chart initiated by a SRC device

16 Reallocation, and Deallocation Message sequence chart initiated by a DST device

17 Channel Diversity Anticipated changes are already explained in the previous slides. EGTS reallocation defined in the EGTSCharacteristics field of MLME-GTS primitive and EGTS handshake command frame. Requested by higher layer for Adaptive channel diversity Periodic channel hopping

18 Beacon Scheduling A new sub-field in Beacon payload
Beacon bitmap field SD index (2 octets) : the index of current SD SD bitmap length (2 octets) SD bitmap (variable) A new parameter in MLME-START.request Add SDStartTime (2 octets), Beacon Schedule Flag (1 bit) Optional: Disable the beacon scheduling and follow the instruction (SDStartTime) from a higher layer if the value of ‘beacon schedule flag’ is zero.

19 Time Synchronization New subfields in beacon payload TimeSync field
Timestamp (3 octets) the time of sync parent’s local time. Is used to synchronize synch parent node. Deferred beacon flag (1 bit) 0: Disable deferred beacon , 1: Enable deferred beacon Deferred time (1 octet) length and indicates the number of aUnitBackoffPeriod

20 GTS Information Request
A new MAC primitive MLME-EGTSinfo.request (CoordAddrMode, CoordPANId, CoordAddress, SecurityLevel, KeyIdMode, KeySource, KeyIndex) MLME-EGTSinfo.confirm (EGTSCharacteristics, Timestamp, status) A new MAC PIB attribute macConnecDev Indication of whether the device is a Connection Device. A value of TRUE indicates that the device is able to communicate in both beacon-enabled and nonbeacon-enabled mode.

21 Quality of Service A new parameter in a MAC primitive
MCPS-DATA.request extend TxOptions (b0) 0: no Ack, 1: Ack (b1) 0: CAP transmission, 1: GTS transmission (b2) 0: direct transmission, 1: indirect transmission (b3) 0 : CAP/GTS ( ), 1 : CAP/EGTS (15.4e): e.g, version control (b4) 0 : Low Priority, 1 : High Priority

22 Sub-clauses for Primitives
characteristic MCPS-DATA.request MCPS-DATA.request modification MLME-GTS.request MLME-GET.request MLME-GTS.confirm MLME-GTS.confirm MLME-GTS.Indication MLME-GTS.indication MLME-START.request MLME-START.request MLME-EGTSinfo.request Add new sub-clause new MLME-EGTSinfo.confirm

23 Sub-clauses for Frames
type EGTS Handshake A new command new Beacon Beacon frame format modification EGTS Info beacon allocation notification beacon conflict notification

24 Sub-clauses for PIBs PIB Sub-clause type macMultisuperframeOrder
7.4.2 MAC PIB attributes new macConnecDev New macEGTSABT macEGTSACT mac SDIndex macSDBitmap macSyncTime macChannelHoppingSequence macChannelOffset

25 Sub-clauses for Functional description
PIB Sub-clause type EGTS-based Superframe Structure Superframe structure modification EGTS Scheduling 7.5.7 GTS allocation and management Beacon Scheduling Starting and realigning a PAN Time Synchronization 7.5.4 Synchronization

26 Backward Compatibility

27 Backward Compatibility
EGTS is backward compatible with No changes on the existing frame formats Only additions that are optional New frame formats, primitives, and PIB attributes New fields in the payload of Beacon

28 Coexistence Minimal changes to the superframe structure.
EGTS can support the new features while harmoniously coexisting with the legacy devices ( , 2003).

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