Coordinator Orientation for PBIS at the Universal Level

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Presentation on theme: "Coordinator Orientation for PBIS at the Universal Level"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordinator Orientation for PBIS at the Universal Level
Presented by VTPBIS State Team April 2018

2 Webinar Logistics Orientation to Screen 2 Ways to Interact:
Raise your hand using the icon on your screen Type a question into the text box This webinar will be recorded. Please note, your microphone will be muted unless otherwise indicated.

3 Agenda Brief PBIS Review Define Responsibilities and Competencies of:
School Coordinator SU/SD Coordinator Team Members Administrator Identify Coaching and Other Supports Available Using your School Data: SET & SAS Questions

4 Behavior Systems - VTPBIS
MTSS Academic Systems Behavior Systems - VTPBIS Intensive Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity 1-5% 1-5% Intensive Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive Proactive 80-90% 80-90% Universal Interventions All settings All students Preventive Proactive

5 Continuum of Support for “Dylan” within MTSS
Anger Mgt. Math Label Behavior, Not Students! Science Adult relationships Every student has competencies. Label behavior not STUDENTS. Everyone at one point or another needs targeted or intensive supports. Dylan is doing great in reading but may need more support in Math and with anger management. Attendance Reading Peer Interaction

6 How is VTPBIS Sustainable?
Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making SYSTEMS DATA PBIS/MTSS-B is successful because it focuses on developing systems that support practices and uses data to measure the effects of these practices. The combination of implementing systems, data and practices. PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior Smallest effort Evidence-based Biggest, durable effect

7 Implementation Science
3-5 years (this is normal!)

8 What is your PBIS Universal Team membership?
Coordinator(s) School Administrator Family Member Student (when appropriate) Individuals able to provide: Applied behavioral expertise Coaching expertise Knowledge of student academic and behavior patterns Knowledge about the operations of the school across grade levels and programs Representative of school staff You want all staff members to feel like they have a voice on the team – someone they can reach out to that will represent their views when sitting at team meetings Think about if anyone is missing? Spend time talking about applied behavioral expertise and who that might be

9 What are the elements of VTPBIS at the Universal Level?
Create a common purpose Define 3-5 positively-stated behavioral expectations Develop systems for teaching behavioral expectations Develop systems for acknowledging and rewarding behavioral expectations Develop systems for discouraging problem behaviors Develop data management systems Road map for the Universal Training!

10 A Restorative Practice Approach to Setting Expectations
The Restorative Approach is about: Voluntary Participation Exploring Relationships Meaningful Engagement Participatory Decision-Making Think about how you can shift from setting the expectations and teaching the expectations to building agreements and sharing what these agreements mean in action.

11 PBIS in Vermont

12 Where is VTPBIS in VT?

13 VTPBIS Cascade of Support

14 Questions or Comments?

15 Why have a VTPBIS School Coordinator?
Support Team with action planning and implementation Help with Team sustainability and accountability Team reinforcement (positive nag) Facilitate the use of data in decision making Public relations and communications Network with other schools Feedback to statewide VTPBIS Team

16 VTPBIS School Coordinator Pre-Requisites:
Role endorsed by school principal Interest in performing responsibilities of coordinator Flexibility to complete tasks during the day Positive rapport with other school staff and professional credibility Attendance at introductory trainings

17 VTPBIS School Coordinator Responsibilities:
Ensure Team is scheduled to meet at least monthly and facilitation occurs Help with Team organization and task completion Organize and report data to SU Level Team and to the State Attend Coordinators Learning and Networking Series Attend training events

18 VTPBIS School Coordinator Competencies:
Fluency with PBIS features – systems, data and practices Effectively communicates with school leadership team, SU/SD PBIS Coordinator and community stakeholders (e.g., faculty, students, staff, parents, community members) Positively reports, promotes, shapes, and reinforces school team progress and products

19 Role of VTPBIS SU/SD Coordinator
Establish SU/District Team Conduct SET Evaluations Act as a liaison between schools and State Team Attend School-based Leadership Team Mtgs (2-3 times/year) Secure resources/funding for school teams Create capacity for staff training through SU training Calendar


21 In your Files Pod

22 Inside the Coordinators Handbook…
Role Descriptions Handout Coordinators Calendar. VTPBIS Network Info

23 Activity after the webinar!
Complete the VTPBIS Coordinator self-assessment (optional) Identify three priorities for your own professional learning Review your learning priorities with your team

24 VTPBIS Leadership Team Member Responsibilities:
Share team roles Promote PBIS Implementation Plan to representative group in school Attend monthly team meetings Volunteer for team tasks Act as PBIS cheerleader!

25 VTPBIS Administrator Responsibilities:
Support your role as Coordinator (your time, schedule) Promote & prioritize PBIS to ALL stakeholders Be active/visible on team Troubleshoot systems level issues Attend monthly team meetings Volunteer for team tasks Principal

26 Administrator Support
One of the strongest predictors of SWPBIS sustainability is administrator support (Coffey & Horner, 2012) Perceived administrative support has the strongest impact on sustainability (McIntosh, Predy, et al., in press) Sustainability is supported by administrators who allocate resources (e.g., time, incentives, training), communicate expectations, and address competing practices that may decrease resources (Blase & Fixsen, 2004)

27 Support for PBIS is needed at every level!

28 Supports Available to You:
During the Universal Training: Presenters, State TAs, Coaches, SU/SD Coordinators Optional VTPBIS Coordinator Check-in at end of each day Other PBIS schools (find info on our website) Websites: and Coaching

29 Questions or Comments?

30 VTPBIS YouTube Channel

31 First Steps to Implementation Module Series:
Module 1: Part 1: PBIS Review Part 2: Team Responsibilities & Working Smarter, Not Harder Module 2: Part 1: Introduction of the six components of PBIS Component 1: Purpose Statement Part 2: Component 2: Behavior Expectations Module 3: PBIS Data Tools Module 4: Family Engagement

32 Using your School Data:
SET and SAS Handout SET and EBS Baseline Data.

33 Improving Decision-Making
From Problem Solution To Problem Solving Problem Solution Information (Data)

34 Assessing VTPBIS Implementation
Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)

35 Reviewing your Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) results…
Purpose: Assess staff perceptions of PBIS practices in place and priority for changes Design annual action plan Format: Survey Completed by: All staff When? Annually, preferably in the spring

36 Two main questions What systems are in place now?
What systems are most in need of improvement?

37 Total Score:

38 Subscale:

39 Items:

40 Assessing VTPBIS Implementation
School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)

41 Reviewing your School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) results…
Purpose: Assess school-wide implementation of PBIS practices Format: Interviews with staff, students; observations; review of discipline related documents Completed by: Coaches When? Before SW implementation, 6-12 weeks after SW implementation

42 SET Components Section A: Expectations Defined Section B:
Behavioral Expectations Taught Section C: On-Going System for Rewarding Behavioral Expectations Section D System for Responding to Behavioral Violations Section E: Monitoring and Evaluation Section F: Leadership Handout: SET Scoring Summary: Bring scored sheet that TA completed.

43 Baseline SET Subscale:

44 Items:

45 Post-SET Scores 2017:

46 Important Next Steps: After this webinar, Anne Dubie will you the following: The YouTube link and follow-up instructions for the First Steps Online Module Series Information regarding the SAS Schedule a time to do the First Steps to Implementation Online Module Series with your entire team and your TA/coach Your State TA will be in contact with you to schedule your Pre-SET

47 Questions? Please contact your VTPBIS TA

48 Important Resources: VTPBIS Training Calendar & Resources: VTPBIS Newsletters and Updates National PBIS Website: VTPBIS on Social Media! Vermont PBIS Facebook, Twitter

49 Questions and Comments?
Thank you!

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