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THIS IS JEOPARDY. THIS IS JEOPARDY With Your Host... Kathy Boudreaux.

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3 With Your Host... Kathy Boudreaux

4 JEOPARDY Final Review Vocabulary Words & Words Jurisdiction Legal Terms Courts 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 This is written by a justice or justices who disagree with the majority’s decision .

6 What is a dissenting opinion?

7 This is a court order that requires a person to appear in court.

8 What is a subpoena ? A 200

9 These begin with the words: “You have the right to remain silent.”

10 What are Miranda Rights?

11 After a person is charged with a crime they go to court to plead guilty or not-guilty during this proceeding. A 400

12 What is an arraignment? A 400

13 This means to send a case back to a lower court.

14 What is remand? A 500

15 This written document is submitted to the Supreme court and contains a summary of what the legal points each attorney will argue when they face the court. B 100

16 What is a brief? B 100

17 This is a previous case that gives guidance to other judges hearing similar cases.
B 200

18 What is a precedent? B 200

19 This is also known as the death penalty.
B 300

20 What is capital punishment?
B 300

21 This is the name of the court calendar.
B 400

22 What is a docket? B 400

23 Cases between two state govenments would be heard here.

24 What is Federal District Court?
B 500

25 This type of jurisdiction refers to the fact that only federal courts can hear and decide federal cases. C 100

26 What is exclusive jurisdiction?

27 In this type of jurisdiction Federal District Courts have the authority to hear federal cases first.

28 What is original jurisdiction?

29 This court has original, appellate, and exclusive jurisdiction.

30 What is the Supreme Court?


32 This jurisdiction allows a court to hear appeals from a lower court.

33 What is appellate jurisdiction?

34 This allows both the state and federal courts to share jurisdiction.

35 What is concurrent jurisdiction?

36 This case established judicial review.

37 What is Marbury v. Madison?

38 The job of this court is to review decisions made in the lower district courts .

39 What are is an appeals court? (Also acceptable appellate court.)
D 200

40 This is group that must approve a nomination for the Supreme Court?
D 300

41 What is the Senate? D 300

42 This is the only court specified in the Constitution.

43 What is the Supreme Court?
D 400

44 This article of the Constitution outlines the duties of the Judicial Branch.

45 What is Article III. D 500

46 This opinion states the reasons more than half the justices voted for the opinion.

47 What is a majority opinion?
E 100

48 This explains the legal reason(s) a justice did not vote with the majority .

49 What is a dissenting or minority opinion?

50 This type of opinion is written to explain why a justice voted with the majority but for a different reason. E 300

51 What is a concurring opinion?
E 300

52 What are the Federal Courts in order from lowest to highest?

53 What are Federal District Court, Appellate Court, and the Supreme Court?

54 This offers a detailed explanation of the legal thinking behind a court’s decision.

55 What is an opinion? E 500

56 This Amendment guarantees a person will have a lawyer even if they can not afford one.

57 What is the Sixth Amendment?
F 100

58 This Amendment is used to apply right to the states under it’s equal protection and due process of law provision. F 200

59 What is the 14th Amendment?
F 200

60 This is the trial court of the federal court system.

61 What is the Federal District Court?

62 This allows the Supreme Court to declare an act or law unconstitutional and is a powerful check and balance against the Legislative and Executive Branches. F 400

63 What is Judicial Review?
F 400

64 When a judge exercises this he decides decisions solely on prior precedents of law and acts as a strict constructionist of the Constitution. F 500

65 What is the judicial restraint?
F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Due Process of Law
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67 Click on screen to continue
If a person is found not-guilty they cannot be tried again on that charge or suffer double jeopardy. Which Amendment guarantees this right? Click on screen to continue

68 What is the Fifth Amendment?
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69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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