Interacting with Judges

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1 Interacting with Judges
Nathan Oake - Hartland HS DECA

2 -They are real people (your parents etc.)
Your judges will be... *Business owners and those working in the related business field from the community -They are real people (your parents etc.) They Want to help you learn *They will be acting in a role

3 You will feel more confident. It will help you take on the, “role”
Be ready to present in Professional Dress You will feel more confident. It will help you take on the, “role” You will make a great impression on the judge You will receive penalty points if not in DECA appropriate dress

4 You will be given a room assignment within the building to go to.
You will sit and wait in this room (and wait and wait)

5 Preparation is Key... Use Your Time Wisely…..

6 Introduction Firm Handshake - Kiss Webs

7 G.N.A.P. Greeting Name Association Purpose

8 EYE CONTACT -Make eye contact with judge or both judges
-Helps to keep the judge focused on your presentation -shows confidence -indicates you are prepared

9 HANDS Fold your hands in front of you on the table
If nervous, place your hands underneath you Use your hands to emphasize specific points

10 Avoid Distracting Your judge
Avoid Fidgeting (playing with your hair etc) Do not Tap your pen/pencil on the table Do not cross your arms

11 Wait to Be Seated

12 Handouts Walk into the judge with any handouts you have prepared. These can help give you the edge. You can do a great deal with a blank piece of paper and a pencil Create a business card Create a brochure Create a flyer Storyboard for a commercial Floor plan for a business billboard advertisement

13 Absolutely No!!!!

14 Close the Sale!!!

15 Questions?? Ask the judge if they have any questions.
If you are working with a partner, be sure both of you to take turns responding The judges are asked to ask each student similar questions. Be prepared.

16 Thank You Thank the j

17 Judges Evaluate You... 2/3 Enthusiasm 1/3 Content


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