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The “Reagan Revolution”

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Presentation on theme: "The “Reagan Revolution”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Reagan Revolution”

2 The Charismatic President

3 BUT… Reagan - Domestic Deregulation
“Supply-Side” Economics (“Reaganomics”) Deregulation Economy did begin to recover because of several reasons Money policies of the Federal Reserve Board helped lower inflation Weakening strength of OPEC Consumer spending & Investment increased BUT… National Debt was growing rapidly…WHY? Entitlement Programs (S.S. & Medicare) Reagan Tax Cuts (largest in U.S. history) Massive increase in military spending

4 Ronald Reagan Evil Empire Speech
Reagan - Foreign Ronald Reagan Evil Empire Speech REAGAN DOCTRINE The U.S. would support opponents of communism anywhere in the world even if the regimes they were challenging had no ties to the Soviet Union (example  Grenada) COLD WARS Not such a long time ago in a country not far away at all… SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative


6 America and the Waning of the Cold War

7 The Fall of the Soviet Union
Berlin Wall comes down; every communist state in Europe overthrows its gov’t or forces change Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union 1987 1991 1985 1989 The Soviet Union officially dissolves “Tear Down This Wall” Speech

8 The Fading of the Reagan Revolution
Savings and Loan Crisis Iran-Contra Scandal

9 George H. Bush DOMESTIC FOREIGN Won the election of 1988 Faced a huge
federal deficit In campaign – “Read my lips, no new taxes” Won the election of 1988 DOMESTIC FOREIGN Tax hikes violated campaign promise The U.S. was the only superpower left in the world Faced a recession in 1990 First Gulf War following Iraq’s invasion of neighboring Kuwait

10 “It’s the economy, stupid”
The Election of 1992 Bill Clinton (D) Wins “It’s the economy, stupid”

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