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Vocabulary Relationships Cycles & Populations Biomes & Succession

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Relationships Cycles & Populations Biomes & Succession"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Relationships Cycles & Populations Biomes & Succession
Kerry Roy Vocabulary Relationships Cycles & Populations 2/23/2019 Biomes & Succession Energy & Organisms 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

2 The study of the interactions of organisms with one another and their physical environment

3 What is ecology?

4 Soil, rocks, air, & water

5 What are abiotic factors?

6 The maximum population size that an environment can support.

7 What is carrying capacity?

8 Organisms that make their own food. (Must give both terms)

9 What is a producer or autotroph?

10 Examples include bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and maggots.

11 What are decomposers?

12 A close long term association between 2 or more species.

13 What is symbiosis?

14 Beechdrops are leafless plants that lack chlorophyll
Beechdrops are leafless plants that lack chlorophyll. Beechdrops get their nourishment from the roots of beech trees, which reduces the amount of nutrients available to the trees themselves.

15 What is parasitism or a parasitic relationship?

16 A rabbit eating grass.

17 What is a predator-prey relationship? (or consumer-producer).

18 In Central America, there is a flowering tree called a bullhorn acacia that provides both food and shelter to a certain species of ant. The ants live within the tree without causing it harm. In fact, the ants protect the tree by vigorously attacking and stinging other animals that try to eat it.

19 What is mutualism or a mutualistic relationship?

20 Epiphytes, like bromeliads and orchids, are plants that live perched on sturdier plants, such as trees. They do not take any nourishment from their host and simply benefit from being better exposed to sunlight..

21 What is commensalism or a commensalistic relationship?

22 The process through which water vapor becomes liquid water in order to form clouds.

23 What is condensation?

24 The process name and definition involving in the living part of the water cycle.

25 What is transpiration—the process through which plants give off water vapor through their stomata in the leaves?

26 Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis.

27 What are the two main biotic processes that are involved in the Carbon Cycle?

28 Competition, predation, disease, crowding, stress, and parasitism.

29 What are limiting factors (factors that control population growth)?

30 Two ways that atmospheric nitrogen can be converted into a useable form for plants and animals.

31 What are with bacteria and lightning?

32 No change of seasons, high humidity (rainfall), greatest diversity of plants and animals on Earth, thick vegetation and trees.

33 What are characteristics of a Tropical Rain Forest?

34 Caribou and other animals that live in the biome characterized by cold climates, small plants, and permafrost.

35 What is the tundra?

36 Lichens, mosses, etc. that first grew on bare rock.

37 What is a pioneer species?

38 The type of succession illustrated by the return of the flora and fauna in the areas devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

39 What is Secondary Succession?

40 Glacier Bay.

41 What is an example of a location experiencing Primary Succession?

42 The ultimate source of energy.

43 What is the sun?

44 A diagram that illustrates multiple paths of the flow of energy among organisms.

45 What is a food web?

46 A raccoon is a “vore” that may eat grass and mice.

47 What is an example of an omnivore?

48 The amount (%) of energy that is transferred from one trophic level to the next higher level.

49 What is 10%?

50 3 terms for an organism that eats a producer.

51 What are heterotroph, primary consumer, & herbivore?

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