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Unstressed Ending -ant/-ent

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1 Unstressed Ending -ant/-ent
Lesson 22 Unstressed Ending -ant/-ent

2 absent adj. not present

3 important adj. deserving special attention or notice

4 current adj. belonging to the present time

5 president n. the highest ranking official in a country or group

6 elephant n. a large mammal with a long trunk and floppy ears

7 confident adj. believing strongly

8 instant adj. without delay; immediate

9 element n. 1. any one of the basic substances from which all other things are made. 2. one of the basic parts of something

10 servant n. a person whose regular job is to work for another person, doing such things as cleaning, cooking, laundry, and the like

11 excellent adj. of very high quality; outstanding

12 opponent n. a person or group on the other side in a contest

13 permanent adj. lasting or meant to last for a long time without change
synonyms: lasting, enduring

14 assistant n. any person who gives help or support synonym: helper

15 innocent adj. free from doing wrong; not guilty

16 significant adj. having special meaning synonym: important

17 sufficient adj. just as much as is wanted or needed synonym: enough

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