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- You can add more water vapor to the air.

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Presentation on theme: "- You can add more water vapor to the air."— Presentation transcript:

1 - You can add more water vapor to the air.
Aim: How do clouds form? Do Now: In your notebooks, answer these questions in order to understand how clouds are made. - Explain how you can make the air have a relative humidity of 100% - You can add more water vapor to the air. - You can lower the temperature which make the air smaller and more filled.

2 I. Formation of Clouds Forms when warm air rises.
Rising air cools due to expansion. (upper atm. has lower pressure) c) Air temp. equals the dew point temperature (RH = 100%).

d) Water vapor condenses around small solid particles called condensation nuclei. Which is the most important step in creating a cloud? RISING AIR which LOWERS the TEMPERATURE

4 II. What makes air rise? a) Warm air rises because it is less dense.
b) Orographic lifting: Mountains force the air to ascend. (rise) rising air expands and cools, which lowers the temperature. **When air temperature = dew point temperature (RH = 100%)condensation occurs**

5 Orographic Lifting Diagram

6 III. Cloud Types: Cirrus: light and feathery.
- Composed of ice crystals. 2. Cumulus: “puffy cotton balls” 3. Stratus: smooth layered clouds - “pancake clouds”

7 IV. Fog Is a cloud in contact with the ground.
relative humidity reaches 100% at ground-level.

8 V. Precipitation - occurs when cloud droplets grow large enough and fall to the Earth. If the temperature is below 320F, snow may occur.

9 Closure 1: Use the words in the box to create 2 different sentences that describes how clouds form. You do not need to use all the words. You can use additional words. RISE CLOUD RELATIVE HUMIDITY 100% MOUNTAINS EXPAND COOLS CONDENSTATION DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION WARM CONDENSATION NUCLEI

10 Closure 2: Review Book p #1-12 2 3

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