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Anatomical Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomical Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomical Terminology

2 What is Kinesiology Ki-nee-see-ol-uh-jee [Gk, kinesis = movement + logos= study of/science] the scientific study of muscular activity and the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the movement of body Anatomy= Structure; Physiology= Function Exercise Physiology= concentrates on how the body responds and adapts to the stresses placed on it by exercise

3 Anatomical Position Standing position, upright posture
Face and feet facing forward Forearms/ hands in the supine position (palms facing forward)

4 Three Planes & Three Axes
Antero- Posterior Longitudinal Horizontal/ Bilateral

5 Planes + Axis General Rule: the plane of movement is always perpendicular to the axis about which rotation occurs Movement about the longitudinal axis occurs in the transverse plane ex. pirouette Longitudinal axis Transverse plane

6 Movement about the horizontal/bilateral axis occurs in the sagittal plane
Ex. Summersault Sagittal plane Horizontal/bilateral axis

7 Movement about the antero-posterior axis occurs in the frontal/coronal plane
Ex. cartwheel Frontal/Coronal plane Antero-posterior axis

8 REMEMBER!!! Longitudinal axis= Transverse plane
Movements like rotating the trunk, moving your neck side to side, spinning around in a circle Horizontal/bilateral axis= Sagittal plane Movements like flexion and extension, summersault, forward or backward flip Antero-posterior axis= Frontal plane Movements like abduction, adduction, cartwheels

9 Terms Describing Location/Position
Anterior Posterior Superior Inferior Proximal Distal Lateral Medial Deep Superficial

10 Anatomical Joint Movements
Abduction vs. Adduction

11 Joint Movements Cont’d
Flexion vs. Extension

12 Joint Movements Cont’d
Inversion vs. Eversion Dorsiflexion vs. Plantar Flexion

13 Joint Movement Cont’d Protraction vs. Retraction Circumduction

14 Joint Movements Cont’d
Internal vs. External Rotation Pronation vs. Supination

15 Joint Movements Cont’d
Opposition vs. Reposition Elevation vs. Depression

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