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Science - Year 3/4B Spring 2 3 Strikes and You’re Out PowerPoint

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1 Science - Year 3/4B Spring 2 3 Strikes and You’re Out PowerPoint
Plants Greatly Green Growers Session 2 3 Strikes and You’re Out PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 3 strikes and you’re out

3 This game is called “3 strikes and you’re out” because each time you make a mistake you lose a life.
Once you have lost all three of your lives, you are out (for now). Some questions are easy and some are hard. Just give each question your best guess.

4 Each question has 2 possible answers: one on the left and one on the right. You must choose which you think is correct and stand on that side of the line. If you are wrong, you lose a life! Count the lives you have lost by holding up fingers in front of you. Hold up one finger for each life lost. If the whole class is out, then everyone is back in again!

5 There are 17 questions altogether
Good Luck!

6 Plants are … Not living things Living things

7 2. There are many different kinds of plants including flowers, trees and grasses.
Fungi (including mushrooms) are also plants Fungi are not plants

8 3. Plants are made up of different parts
3. Plants are made up of different parts. The part below the ground is called The roots The shoots

9 4. The job of the roots is to…
Hold the plant in the ground and take up water Hold the plant in the ground and make food

10 5. Some plants have a mass of small roots whilst others have a large thick root with small side roots. A large root is known as a … Carrot root Tap root

11 6. Rising upwards from the roots is the stem. The job of the stem is …
To hold up the leaves and carry water to them To hold up the leaves

12 7. The leaves of a plant are …
Where it makes its food Important to keep it balanced

13 8. On the underside of the leaves there are tiny holes that are too small to see. These holes …
Allow gases to pass in and out Help to keep the plant cool

14 9. A green chemical in the leaves called chlorophyll uses energy from sunlight to
Keep them shiny Make food

15 10. Some plants send the food they make down to their roots
To store over the winter and help the plant grow again in the spring To turn them into nice shapes and colours

16 11. In the autumn, most plants stop making food
11. In the autumn, most plants stop making food. The leaves can change colour because … They run out of water and dry out The green chlorophyll breaks down and disappears

17 12. Most plants make flowers. These are important for …
Making the plant look beautiful Making new plants

18 13. Plants live all over our planet
13. Plants live all over our planet. They can survive in really hot deserts by… Storing water in their thick fleshy leaves which are tough and waxy to stop water escaping Only growing in the shade

19 14. Some plants are able to trap flies
Because flies can be really irritating Because they are an extra source of food

20 15. Some plants are prickly to protect themselves from
Humans that may want to put them in flower arrangements Animals that may try to eat them

21 16. Great Basin bristlecone pine trees are the longest living trees in the world. They can live for up to 2000 years 5000 years

22 17. The tallest type of tree in the world is the coast redwood which can grow up to…
50 metres tall 100 metres tall

23 Congratulations to everyone who is still in!
But actually everyone has now become an expert on plants! Well done all on you!

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