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TEM 3.0 Teacher Training 1 minute
Welcome to Shelby County Schools TEM 3.0 Teacher Training.
Do Now- The Four Rooms of Change
Take 2-3 minutes to jot down how you feel about TEM 3.0 being part of your teaching practice. What room of change are you in? 5 minutes Let’s reflect for a moment. Teachers from both legacy districts, MCS and SCS, are working with a new document. For MCS teachers, the addition of Common Core instructional shifts and the language from TEAM is new for them. For SCS teachers, TEM now replaces TEAM. Here you see The Four Rooms of Change. Think about TEM 3.0 and the implications it will have on your teaching practice. Find page 1 in your packet. Now, take 2-3 minutes to jot down how you are feeling about TEM 3.0 being part of your teaching practice. What room of change are you in? Why?
Objectives Participants will: Examine brief historical progression of TEM 1.0 and TEAM to TEM 3.0. Develop understanding of TEM 3.0 structure, content, and language. Align Common Core instructional shifts with language and content in the framework. Connect language and teaching actions across indicators. 1 minute. Participants will: -Examine brief historical progression of TEM 1.0 and TEAM to TEM 3.0. -Develop understanding of TEM 3.0 structure, content, and language. -Align Common Core instructional shifts with language and content in the framework. -Connect language and teaching actions across indicators.
Agenda History of the Rubric Understanding the Structure of the Rubric
TEM 3.0 and Common Core Connections Across the Rubric Deep Dive into the Indicators 1 minute Our agenda today is to: -Review the history of the rubric. -Understand the structure of the rubric. -View the alignment of TEM 3.0 with the Common Core. -Recognize connections across the rubric. -Dive deep into some of the indicators.
Learning Community Norms
Participate actively Be open to new ideas Trust the process Engage in the learning experience Honor time limits 1 minute Our norms for the session will include: -Being an active participant. -Being open to new ideas. -Trusting the process. -Engaging in the learning experience. -Honoring time limits.
Question to Keep in Mind throughout the Session. . .
How will the TEM 3.0 observation rubric and revisions help support, grow, and maintain teacher effectiveness so that ALL students benefit? 1 minute Our district defines teacher effectiveness as providing intentional focus to ensure that all students have access to great teaching. This question will serve to ground our thinking throughout the training.
Teacher Effectiveness Measure: 1.0 to 3.0
How Did We Get Here? TEM 1.0, TEAM, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and TN 1st to the Top TEM 2.0 and Common Core State Standards 2 minutes Whether your staring place with improving teacher effectiveness was with TEM or TEAM, we still have many common threads that are woven throughout both systems. TEM and TEAM were started in response to the Widget Effect data. TEM’s work gained initial ground with Memphis City Schools’ receipt of the Bill and Melinda Gates $90M grant to improve teacher practice, and the state’s 1st to the Top Federal Grant was closely aligned with that grant and ensured that our state engaged in improving teacher practice. The state’s 1st to the Top grant was the foundation of the TEAM process. TEM 2.0 was revised based on a year of implementation, findings from the MET study, and the need to begin embedding Common Core content/language into the framework. TEM 3.0 has been revised based through joint input and feedback from educators from both districts. SCS made a significant contribution in helping to incorporate TEAM language in the framework that has served to unpack grey areas like problem-solving skills and thinking strategies. Additionally, the advent of Common Core led to instructional shifts being placed into the framework. TEM 3.0 rubric and process development for the new Shelby County Schools District 8 8 8
TEM and Common Core Instructional Shifts
How Did We Get Here? TEM and Common Core Instructional Shifts Student readiness for postsecondary education and the workforce WHY we teach Common Core State Standards provide a vision of excellence for WHAT we teach TEM T&L Framework provides a vision of excellence for HOW we teach 1 minute -Common Core State Standards provide a vision of excellence for WHAT we teach. -Student readiness for postsecondary education and the workforce is WHY we teach. -The TEM Framework provides a vision of excellence for HOW we teach.
Getting the Know the TEM 3.0 Rubric
10 minutes
1 minute The TEM 3.0 Framework has 4 domains represented by each puzzle piece. While all domains are critical for effective teaching practice, teachers will only be observed and rated on two domains: Teach and Cultivate Learning Environment. While Plan and Reflect & Adjust are not rated, remember that they are crucial to teacher effectiveness and may still be addressed as part of a teacher’s growth recommendations. Each domain has a set of indicators, and all indicators have bulleted descriptors that offer more detail for the indicator. 11
Descriptors Footnotes Performance level 3 minutes
The TEM 3.0 Framework is structured in the following way: -The two domains, Teach and Cultivate Learning Environment ) have a total of 11 indicators combined. TEACH has seven, and Cultivate Learning Environment has four. Each domain is broken down by indicator, which you see an example of here. -Each indicator in the framework has the same format. The indicator title may be at the top of the page or abbreviated on the side. -Each indicator has performance levels from Level 5, which is significantly above expectations to level 1, significantly below expectations. -Each performance level has corresponding descriptors, which describe what teachers and/or students should be saying/doing at each level. -There are some descriptors that have footnotes providing more descriptive language to further extend or define key words and phrases in the descriptor language. Footnotes
Getting to Know the Rubric
Take a five minutes to flip through the rubric and consider: Why is the rubric structured as it is? What relationships do you notice among indicators? What do you notice about the levels of performance as you read from left to right? How are student actions incorporated? 10 minute -For this next activity, you will take 5 minutes to look through the rubric and consider the questions on the screen. Then, you will have a 5 minute table discussion about the questions.
Indicator “Speed Dating” Prep
Hi. I’m P1, but many people call me “Know Your Students in Order to Plan Instruction Effectively.” If you hang around me, you’ll find I like to use a variety of sources to know my students’ performance levels, and I regularly use them in my planning. Also, I have various ways to garner data on my students’ backgrounds, family, interests and learning styles. I even proactively share this info with others because I like to be highly effective. In addition to this… You are now the indicator you were assigned Review your indicator so you are confident about who you are Write a “bio” of your indicator. Here’s a sample… 10 minutes Your training facilitator will now guide you through this next activity, which is Speed Dating. The activity is designed to familiarize you with your assigned indicator and learn from others as well. Have fun with this activity as you are learning.
Indicator “Speed Dating” - Dating Rounds
Guiding Questions: What “attracts” you to your “date”? How can you work together to support a teacher in developing College and Career Ready students? If your indicators happen at the highest levels, what are the effects on students? You’ll have 15 minutes to go on three to four dates. During each date, you will find a partner and introduce yourselves as your indicator. Write down the connections that you have with your “date.” 15 minutes
Indicator “Speed Dating” Debrief
What new insights were revealed to you through this activity? How do these “connections” support students in becoming college and career ready? How did this activity help you begin to process the TEM 3.0 Framework? 5 minutes
TEM 3.0 and Common Core
TEM 3.0 and Common Core TEM 3.0 CCSS
Common Core’s Instructional Shifts and TEM 2.0 and 3.0 TEM 3.0 CCSS Take a minute to review the CC instructional shift assigned to you. Now search the TEM rubric to find evidence of the CC instructional shift assigned to you. Debrief: What linkages do you see between the CCSS instructional shifts and the TEM language? 20 minutes You will now engage in an activity that will demonstrate how the Common Core instructional shifts are aligned with the TEM 3.0 rubric. Your training facilitator will lead you through the activity. 18 18 18
Indicator Connections
Connecting the Indicator – T1
Objective in Relationship to Standards T4 Strategies Aligned to the Objective CLE 3 Resources Help Students Master Standards 5 minutes Within the TEM 3.0 rubric, connections may be made across indicators in content and language. For example, take a look at language from TEACH 1, TEACH 4 and Cultivate Learning Environment 3. What’s common among these indicators? (PAUSE FOR A MOMENT.) Language to describe and support “objectives” shows up across the indicators. However, listen carefully. While one indicator is rated with a particular score, that does not mean that the score will be the same for the other related indicators. Teaching actions may be used as evidence across multiple indicators; however, the action must be scored based on the entire context of the indicator. What’s common among these indicators?
Connecting the Indicators
Read the Teach 3 indicator and focus on the language and footnotes for differentiation/scaffolding. Look at all of the indicators and all of the descriptors Highlight and/or underline all language that is aligned or connects to differentiation/scaffolding. Pull out the language and list it and the indicator in the table. Compare your list with members of your small group and discuss any similarities and differences found in your lists. 15 minutes Your facilitator will direct you through the next two slides as you connect the indicators with TEACH 3.
Connecting the Indicator – T3
Scaffolding and Differentiation (Content, Process or Product) T4 Differentiated Strategies/ Scaffolding Challenge T 5 Higher Order Thinking and Challenge T6 CFU and Scaffolding CLE 1 Promoting Academic Effort and Challenge CLE 3 Resources Leveled or Differentiated 5 minutes What’s common among these indicators?
Connecting the Indicator – T2
Explanation of Content Includes Modeling T4 Modeling Problem Solving Strategies T 5 Modeling Thought Process and Thinking Strategies 5 minutes As we comeback together, let’s review a couple more indicators. What’s the common among these indicators? (PAUSE FOR A MOMENT.) Language that describes and supports “modeling” is seen in these indicators. Must all of these indicators have the same score? Why or why not? (PAUSE FOR A MOMENT.) No, the teaching actions may be used as evidence across multiple indicators; however, the action must be scored based on the entire context of the indicator. What’s common among these indicators?
Connecting the Indicator – T7
Maximizing Instructional Time CLE 2 Procedures and Routines Support Instructional Time CLE 4 Managing Behavior to Maximize Instructional Time 2 minutes What’s the common among these indicators? (PAUSE FOR A MOMENT.) Language that describes and supports “instructional time” is evidenced in these indicators. The point of emphasis again is that while one indicator is rated with a particular score that does not mean that the score will be the same for the other related indicators. The evidenced teaching action must be scored based on the entire context of the indicator. What’s common among these indicators?
Diving into the Indicators
TEACH 3 Take a few minutes to read the indicator and then answer the questions: What are the teacher’s actions for Level 3? What are the students’ actions for Level 3? What are the teacher’s actions for Level 4/5? What are the student’s actions for Level 4/5? 5 minutes Working with your table mates, take 5 minutes to read the indicator and then discuss the questions. Record your responses on the TEACH 3 T-chart.
5 minutes
TEACH 4 Take a few minutes to read the indicator and answer the questions: What are the teacher’s actions for Level 3? What are the students’ actions for Level 3? What are the teacher’s actions for Level 4/5? What are the student’s actions for Level 4/5? 5 minutes Working with your table mates, take 5 minutes to read the indicator and then discuss the questions. Record your responses on the TEACH 4 T-chart.
5 minutes
TEACH 5 Take a few minutes to read the indicator and answer the questions: What are the teacher’s actions for Level 3? What are the students’ actions for Level 3? What are the teacher’s actions for Level 4/5? What are the student’s actions for Level 4/5? 5 minutes Working with your table mates, take 5 minutes to read the indicator and then discuss the questions. Record your responses on the TEACH 5 T-chart.
5 minutes
2 minutes As you continue your journey through the evaluation process, please refer to My Learning Plan to attain information related to the process. In the upper left corner, you will see My File Library, which you will click on. Then, scroll down the page until you see the related TEM 3.0 documents.
The Four Rooms of Change
After learning more about TEM 3.0, what room of change are you in now? 5 minutes During this session today, we focused on the history of the rubric, understanding the structure of the rubric, TEM 3.0 and Common Core, connections across the rubric, and diving deep into some of the indicators. Now, we will close out by revisiting the Four Rooms of Change. After learning more about TEM 3.0, what room of change are you in now? Please have each person at your table share their response and why.
Thank You!
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