The Witch of Blackbird Pond

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1 The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Chapter 13 – 14 Vocabulary

2 Husking bee a gathering of people, usually farm families, for the purpose of husking corn “To think you’ve never been to a husking bee! p. 102

3 reputation the views that are generally held about somebody or something “But this woman has no proper reputation.”

4 acquainted known to somebody or to each other from a previous introduction “..If they find out that you’re acquainted with a witch.”

5 jubilant feeling or expressing great delight over a success, achievement, or victory “Her jubilant feet came suddenly to a halt..”

6 waning a gradual lessening of power or intensity
“The intent look in his eyes, even in the waning light, warned her of what was coming.” p. 107

7 buoyancy cheerfulness or optimism
“Every morning she woke with a new confidence and buoyancy she could not explain.”

8 barnacles a small invertebrate animal with a shell that clings to rocks and ships and draws food to itself by using slender hairs cirri. “…the hull was battered and knobby with barnacles…”

9 Milky way the spiral galaxy to which Earth and its solar system belong, appearing as a faint band of light in the night sky “…the vast arc of the milky way…”

10 wharf a structure built alongside or out into the water as a landing place for boats and ships “…carelessly scanning the busy wharf….”

11 partridge a medium-sized, ground-nesting bird with variegated feathers, related to pheasants and grouse “I might have known it would gobble up a nice fat partridge in no time.”

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