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Cause and Effect Problem / solution

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Presentation on theme: "Cause and Effect Problem / solution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause and Effect Problem / solution

2 The author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting consequences or effects.
Effect= what happened? Cause= What made it happen? The purpose is to explain why or how something happened, exists, or works.

3 Essays usually focus on the cause or the effect.
Your hobby may be tropical fish. You emphasize the causes. Wanted a pet but allergic to fur Fascinated with an aquarium at the doctor’s office Your aunt gave you two goldfish and a bowl If you focus on the effect, you might be writing on how your interest in tropical fish led to your majoring in marine biology.

4 Cause and Effect Organizational pattern

5 Cause and Effect Organizational Patterns

6 Signal Words Because because of As as a result of
Since reasons why reasons for Consequently result Caused caused by in order to Inspired influenced by Led to leads or leads to Begin effects of So Therefore Onset outcome brought on by If-then impact

7 Problem and Solution The author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions to the problem. The author states several problems and then writes about a possible solution. May also include the pros and cons for the solutions.

8 Problem/Solution Organizational pattern

9 Problem/Solution Organizational Pattern

10 Signal Words Problem is conclusion Dilemma is one challenge
Solved solution is Question issue Answer possible answer Because therefore Since if…then, thus This led to this let to, so that The main difficulty therefore One possible a potential alternative is

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